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Grim's Drunken Rants: Grim Addresses A Very Controversial Topic! Empress Chimes In Next Week!

23 vistas
Publicado en 08 Sep 2024 / En Juego de azar

Game: Shadow Of The Ninja Rebirth (Steam)

After the small rant about my boss, I discuss a very real phenomenon. So the whole "white replacement theory" is definitely going on, but no one is going to do anything about it. That's the long and short of it. TFM said the future is brown and I think that might very well be the case. This video isn't meant to be prejudiced in any way. I've dated outside of my own race and will do so again - I'm just pointing out what I've seen in my area and my honest opinions on it. Empress chimes in next week with her experience as an immigrant so stay tuned for that!

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WMHarrison94 7 meses hace

Well, good rant interesting game... A little behind I am... you are prolific bro... comics, games, rants, and commentary with Empress and DP ... and you work?

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Yeah, well we're about to slow down a little bit. Until my Comics YouTube channel is monetized, I don't feel the need to keep making content all the time

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WMHarrison94 7 meses hace

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: Yeah... I had plans in motion to support you, TFM, Popp's Grunt Speak, and Sandman, but then I got fired... Now, I am strongly focused on reducing costs and paying off credit cards. Hopefully, December to January, if I'm in a newer, cheaper apartment and making strong progress to paying off credit cards, I"ll be able to start the support I wanted to earlier this year. I was fired in January.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

@WMHarrison94: I understand, it's rough out there. I make $14.20 an hour which is "alright" for my area but with inflation rising as it has, that money just isn't doing much. These channels are in no risk of being down, but if I'm not up to making content, I'm not going to force myself to do it. Tonight I have content plans - the show is going to be recorded on Saturday now instead of Friday and I've got to record Chasing Sunsets, Pale Carnations and one hour of Bare Witness as there was a strange problem with last week's and I couldn't publish it. If this happens again, I'll give up on Bare Witness. We'll see. Right now my mostly SFW YouTube channel has the most subs and views of any platform I'm on. So I'm trying to lift off that one, so to speak - I just want to see how well that does. If adult content comes under fire after the next election and possibly banned, these channels will be deleted except for the comics channel. I'm also pulling The Empress Hour from this platform, it doesn't seem a good fit for it. It'll now be a Bitchute exclusive.

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WMHarrison94 7 meses hace

@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: yeah... Bare Witness looks good... I'm behind... Empress is okay... if I'm working I'll listen. I need to go back to listening to RGE. I used to keep him on in tje background during my shift when I was by myself. Now, my new job is more public. I try to keep up with Lust Academy, which season just ended, the Treasures of Nafia, and Lust Theory... I think I knly have season one. Oh and Being A DIK... I think I bought the Two Seasons... can't really tell in Steam... Yeah, everything is hinging on this election fair or stolen again...

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Toki 7 meses hace

It's very real. The elites want to be "The Last of the Caucasians." Especially women. Because all women want to be Caucasian. Why? Because that's the main type men want. The women of color. Blondes, redheads, blue eyes, etc. Because Caucasians are the actual people of color. If you know how to use a color slider you should know light color = more color saturation.
I just hope I'll be dead before it gets too bad and they start hunting down Caucasians for sport.
Also Asian men and Caucasian men are the average highest IQ so they aren't having as many kids. Because reproduction is for idiots. Raising future slaves for the State and corporations. Best to let all peasant bloodlines die out so your children won't suffer in hyper-inflation WW3/WW4, vaccines, surveillance state everywhere, laws against everything including simply being alive, and all the depressing reasons for why I question why anyone wants to bring children into this modern spy world where citizens are ants on exhibit. Every citizen is a suspected thief and terrorist.

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WMHarrison94 7 meses hace

Well, we White People are closer to the Gods apparently. If you read the Bible close enough, you'd see that Noah was White as fuck, and only "Giants" Angel-human hybrids were white... Noah's daddy accused his wife of fucking Giants or Angels... God El had to calm him down. So, Noah was White... there's a world wide Flood and only Noah and his kids, ie White People, survived? It makes me wonder how White the Spaniard Atlanteans were, the one that ties in with Exodus...and apparently Moses was White-- he "fit" in with the White Royalty of Africa Egypt... even though Berbers or "Barbarians" they wrre like Viking Raiders in the Mediterranean Sea and Straits of Gilbert? The Strauts of Hercules? And white like Spaniards just on the African side. So, the 10,000 BC Atlantis in Africa-- was it White, ie begore Noah's Flood as men or were they Giants as Solon's texts and some Egyptian references said they were? Some references, remind you I think there wrre ten to twelve Atlantises bevause they did not have "governor" as a word back then so 10 Kings of Atlantis... ten locations or waypoints for intersea commerce. Now, White People aren't the only ones smart... Native Americans are justvas smart as White People... they ought to be having traveled over ice bridges from Europe (Not Russia as academia pushes-- not as widespread though. Wr know how White People would handle wellfare and UI payments by just looking at the Native Americans..

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WMHarrison94 7 meses hace

Sorry, that was kind of long...

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WMHarrison94 7 meses hace

Straits of Giltrate? Fuck... my mind is tired... I know this dammit...

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