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Grim Articles (7/10/21) Fireworks Are REEEECIST & Kirstie Alley Warns Of Pedo Acceptance In Hollyweird!

Published on 10 Jul 2021 / In News & Politics

Game: Various Humble Trove Games, Future Proof (I retired it)

So apparently fireworks are racist towards minorities and Kirstie Alley is warning against pedophile acceptance in Hollywood. Not only that, but society has been destroying the kind of women that men want since 2016 (well, before then) but we knew this was coming.

Also I'm back from vacation with some interesting stories and what an actual unicorn looks like. Nope, it's not quite what you think. And I need to add a disclaimer here, because the man and his wife that I am talking about battled heavily to the point of divorce before they started talking their shit out and acting like a husband and wife should. They still fight from time to time. It's not perfect. No woman is perfect, and I do not recommend any of you go unicorn hunting. These kinds of women are older, from my generation. You will not find them in today's zoomer. Stop fucking with these zoomer chicks. Even if you are a zoomer. You see how much tech controls their lives. It's just not a good decision, folks!

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