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Grim Articles & Rants (1/26/2022) Mean Old Men Are Abusing Their Android Girlfriends!

Published on 26 Jan 2022 / In News & Politics

Game: The Evil Within 2 (GOG)

Oh nooooo! Mean old men are abusing their chatbot AI's and trading NFT girlfriends that perpetuate the male gaze! God, these people make me sick.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

i have had issues with heartburn for a decade now, but it turns out it may have not been heartburn and some kind of rare condition that some folks get. i have been taking some pills for it that i normally would avoid, but it was getting bad to the point were i was avoiding most foods and drinks.

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KEEPER 3 years ago

apple cider vinegar was never helpful for me, in fact it always added to the heartburn for my condition.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

@KEEPER: has not been the case for me, but you have something rare so it may be different.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

@KEEPER: I would definitely try drinking aloe vera gel. One shot in the morning and one at night. I recommend the Land Art brand on Amazon. It's good stuff. It'll s

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

heal your body up too. That's what aloe vera does. It's good for repairing that kinda thing. Also experiment with digestive enzymes and Probiotics.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

It's weird to call it heartburn, because that isn't really what I have. It's different. And I definitely think it had to with my allergies since Flonase did alleviate the symptoms almost immediately. I just can't take it, too strong. So I have to try nasacort instead. It's allergies and some folks have to take a steroid for them. Just gotta get one that doesn't give me anxiety and close my throat.

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Toki 3 years ago

Coconut oil. Cold-pressed. If you really want to relax coconut oil + cooked marijuana in pills. If you go to a typical doctor today they will just tell you it's Commie Flu and you need estrogen shots.

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