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Grim Articles & Rants (9/9/21) No, Young Men! Do Not Join Or Support The Fucking Taliban! Are You Nuts!?

Published on 08 Sep 2021 / In News & Politics

Game: Psychonauts 2

I don't even know why this needs to be said, but please do not join or support the fucking Taliban. I even got input from TFM on this one, who knows quite a bit as he served over there as intelligence for several years. You know, he drew the fancy power points. But it doesn't take a power point to drive home the point that no matter how "based" you think the "Towel Chad's" are, they are still a domestic terror organization and you'll go to jail forever if you even think of sending them money.

They don't need your money.

But if you don't mind throwing it away, I would definitely take some of it. You can donate to the cause of common sense over at ⁣ We'd appreciate it!


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