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Grim Articles: Dan Bilzerian Is Broke!

Published on 04 Dec 2020 / In News & Politics

Game: Darius Burst Chronicle Saviors

The man who many PUA's worshipped is now broke. Even Myron Gaines praised this man who now owes 40 million dollars to his investors. Wait till you find out how he spent all that money!

Sure, he may not look like this now. But he will after the courts are through with him. Pussy always comes at a price, gentlemen.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

Ah yes, Dan B, Roosh V's lower IQ cousin

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ThinkExecuteProfit 4 years ago

As far as the business side of things. These people operate in a different world, with different parameters and expectations. Take trumps 750 in tax thing. That came as a surprise to the sheep. Dan, and people raise by business people we're not shocked. For all we, the public know, Dan was hired to run that company into the ground and collect on puts or to be bought later by some other company for cheap. Think about it, this guy was raised by and trained by a corporate takeover lawyer. Like elon musk, a business education no MBA or Harvard Degree can teach. It's a pedigree some men through sheer will rise to, other are taught at home.

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ThinkExecuteProfit 4 years ago

This is particularly interesting to me because of his views on Hedonic Adaptation . If this is the guy who claims to have once asked a buddist monk about being able to buy everything you want as being the spiritual equivalent to giving everything up, as a way out of suffering. The monk disagreed. this was on joe rogan.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

PUA is a pyramid scheme.

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KEEPER 4 years ago

The man spends like a woman when they get money thrown at them.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Yep. Men who do this are so feminine inside and don't even know it. It's just like men obsessed with shoes, fashion, watches, and hats: that shit is so girly and/or GAY/homosexual!! There are SO many men that look and try to act masculine, but couldn't be truly [divinely] masculine if they tried because it's not in them. One can pretend, but never truly embody what is not truly inside of your being. Lots of 'Chads' and 'Tyrones' and athletes and thug/gangbangers and metrosexual businessmen don't have an ounce of masculinity inside of them, and never have!

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