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Grim Interviews: Maia-Chan Returns To Discuss Maggot Baits, Dark Eroge & Misconceptions About Adult Games!

Published on 28 Oct 2023 / In Gaming

Game: House Of The Dead Remake, Tozihua Night, Mega Man RAM (GOG,

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Poopypoop 1 year ago

Was the game you were thinking called "Zombies Retreat?", I love that game, and currently subscribed to the creator for the sequel that's currently a Work In Progress <3

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

I think I was talking about Seed Of The Dead 2 Sweet Home.

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WMHarrison94 1 year ago

So, you're guest is a woman? Interesting... you seem to scare them away. Anyways, I love how Western Greek or Hellenistic / Roman, Christian, Hebrew, and British cultures have philosophies that try to ignore sex and relationships-- sex and mental maturation-- it's the elephant in the room, but damn, atleast the French and German tried to incorporate it but mostly sidelined except for fuck what's his Epimedes (I think-- he said the purpose of drive is pleasure, one of Socrates and Plato's critics claiming: They are philosophers seeking knowledge because they gain pleasure from it) and Higgs maybe? He was reduced by morons to being only sex seeking, not hentai but another "H" word for just sexualized-- hedonistic...finally I remembered it, Epicurus? The Greek arguing against Socrates. So, I believe sex is essential; it's part of the biological machinery, so it's essential to life, a full whole life, but there are forces today who do not want us to have full wholesome lives and ground, independent children. They want broken children easy to manipulate-- I think it maybe how they justify raping kids, breaking their minds and souls.

To live a good life, which was the purpose of philosophy in the first place, you have to include sex. Some men can't because like drinking, they can not control themselves, so they become hermits living sex, stress-free lives alone or in monasteries. Women tried to copy it at abbeys and nunneries... Women need sex more than men: I am started to bieve women need men to anchor them, biologically! They need men to stabilize their periods making it a regularity; and let's not forget that recently it seems if women don't get their proteinated zinc shots, they go bat shit crazy! It is what it is...a design flaw or intentional workings to keep us social and in Societies either as monasteries, villages, town or cities, and nations or empires-- uniting us. You can not tell me that it not part of a divine plan. As observed, men can handle being alone, but women are incapable of it.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

On the contrary, I don't scare women away and talk to many of them on a regular basis. Maia-Chan has been a friend of the show for years now. We've always had good conversations with them. Even Empress still bothers me every once in a while. Last I hear, she started an Only Fans account. ?

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

I forget emojis don't work here. That was supposed to be shrugging.

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