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Grim Interviews Revy Innovations, Part 1: Everything You Know About Robotics Is Wrong!?

Published on 26 May 2022 / In Entertainment

Game: Mega Man Zero Collection (Steam)

You can find Revy Innovations at https://spinningrobotpussy.com/tfm

You can email Revy at: revy.at.home@gmail.com

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Lorgar 3 years ago

I know there was a battle for supremacy with flying machines in the beginning of the 20th century between the plane and the balloon. Eventually the plane won (speed, safety). I think there will be a similar battle between hologram/virtual reality and doll/robotic waifus. Which side do you think will win?
Furthermore, the economy is going down the drain. In your opinion will technology still be a big part of our lives just like in Blade Runner and Cyberpunk or will it be a post-apocalypse shithole like Mad Max where we regress into a new Dark Age?

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

I'm not really sure on either. But I do think we'll have a mix of all these things. I don't think holograms/VR will be a VHS vs Betamax thing. Both have their uses.

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revy 3 years ago

I wouldn't say the plane won. I would say that the balloon was simpler, and therefore less capable, but also easier to invent and use. Which meant that the balloon was dominant in the beginning. The plane is more advanced, so took longer to develop, but once it was developed it was more capable. Same thing. hologram/vr is simpler and easier to develop, so will take dominance at first, but will eventually be superceded by doll/robotic waifus once those become more mature, while VR waifus become a budget/portable option.

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revy 3 years ago

Was fun.
Stay tuned for next episode when I go over how to get employed as a robotics design engineer, ideally without a college degree.

I think I got some stuff about deep learning wrong (in my defense I'm not really an AI guy). But at the end of the day deep learning is just a glorified form of machine learning, in that you can think of it either as a probability calculator, or an imitator, is not sentience or magic.

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