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Grim Rants: Now You're Messing With A... "Stupid Son Of A Bitch!"

Published on 28 Jan 2022 / In News & Politics

Game: Mushroom Kingdom Fusion

Echoing the Nazareth classic, "Hair On The Dog" Biden decided he would call a member of the press a "stupid son of a bitch" because he asked about inflation. Add that to his silly Russian war ideas and we've got the prime definition of the worst - if not one of the worst presidents we have ever elected. Of course, we didn't... But...

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Toki 3 years ago

Send the trans whamens who desperately want to be men. Darwinism in action, less welfare burden on men to pay for their surgeries. The Russian and Ukrainian military men will unite to purge the worse evil. American trans whamen.

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TheDemonKing 3 years ago

I think gas lighting everyone is the only thing simple enough for him to understand.
I mean he's an insane retard who wanders around the white house crapping his pants sexually harassing the staff
He's a literal walking joke,it's his masters who are doing all of this. Biden probably hasn't made a decision for his entire political career
When they want him to attack blacks and spew out racial slurs against them,he does it. When they want him to attack whites and spew out racial slurs against us,he does it.
He's a puppet on strings,it's the puppeteers who are the problem

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

In all fairness, he is nearing dementia but not quite there yet. If it was full on butt crapping dementia, there's no way in hell he'd be able to stand up there and give coherent speeches. Now I know a word or two is definitely slurred and he's on the sheer brink of it - but the man's kind hasn't left yet and that warmonger sense is still with him. Everything I mentioned is still true. I will say that I have firsthand experience with alzheimers patients being that in my youth I used to clean that ward. Someone's beloved grandmother smeared shit all over the walls and guess who had to clean it up? Yeah, me. I won't say that he'll never reach that point, because it obvious that he will and yes, he definitely has some senior moments when he said "my butt was wiped" but for some damn reason the man hasn't lost it yet. I'd honestly rather him be in full dementia rather than halfway coherent enough to make an order that sticks. Of course, you may be right too about him never having made a decision his entire career. I won't say the guy isn't heading down the path of senility - but he's still creepy and does fucked up shit regardless.

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