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Grim Rants: Real Life Halloween Scare! I Thought I Was Fighting For My Life!

Published on 22 Oct 2021 / In People & Blogs

Game: Evil Tonight (, Steam, Switch)

What turned out to be a vagal reaction from straining too hard on the toilet (do not do this, BTW) was trumped up into far more horrible things by my anxiety. I got my CT Scans done and of course, they're clear. That's good. Here, you can see how damn scared I was of this, not just of the death factor, but losing cognitive function overall. It's scary shit. But I have been cleared and this was made before I went to the hospital.

On that note, I have to watch my blood pressure, but also need to lay off the salty snacks and foods. I'll be looking at sodium content more now. It was kinda high, but I believe my anxiety had a lot to do with that, since it can raise your blood pressure and take you out over absolutely nothing. This was pretty much excused as no big deal by the hospital, it was not a TIA, nor any kind of stroke, hemorrhage or anything of that nature.



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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Before you comment, read the video information. None of what I said did happen, this was just a vagal response from straining which was made worse by anxiety, which can kill you. I'm back on my anxiety supplements recommended by TFM.

But the whole thing just makes you value life more. Playing Metroid Dread definitely helped me out during this time, helped to get my mind off this stuff. Don't read all the medical stuff on the internet either. It'll just make you think worse things are happening.

I absolutely did give Abbaddon a go as well, but I wasn't into it because I felt disconnected due to the anxiety. I'm wager to jump back on though, because it is a great horror eroge from what I can tell.

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