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GRITH: Stop Sending Me Shit Like This!

Published on 28 Jan 2025 / In People & Blogs

Folks, someone sent me a message about their extracurricular habits regarding my material and that they were underaged. To be fair, the person clarified that it wasn't my content they experienced as a teenager, but didn't discover my content until they were of legal age. Regardless, they wanted me to send them uncut material for free from games that I purposely cut for these platforms. I'm not doing that. It also sounds like some weird fed trick, which is retarded because the feds need to be going after Visa, Mastercard and Only Fans for ignoring the numerous reports of CSAM found on the platform. More about that on the show.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Disintegration gun? Nah, just use a vat of perchloric acid... As for old cartoons, have you watched Talos or Aria (on Amazon Prime) and even Heavy Metal.

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

I dunno. I like the old point laser and disintegration method. You're not just gone, you're erased. Like someone hit the delete key. That's what should be done with people like that, imo of course. And yes, I've seen Heavy Metal. my ex and I were quite the fans of it back in the day. The first one's the best. I still have it on VHS.

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@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: Haha glad your back and now I got to send you all the fuck up shite I like. "There is this Guy I watch and listen to and he is a real degenerate he likes all this "Cartoon Porn with Story Nonsense" and every once in a while he rants and raves about all sorts of things" he even likes cartoon women who call themselves LOLI :O and sometimes Cartoon women called LOLI with Fur and Horns that ride Horses they call them LOLI FURRY BRONIES :O I know right a real degenerate piece of shite jk haha hopefully you get the sense of humor, I get what you mean and we call tbose kinds of "People" WEIRDOS cos thats what they are someone like to jerk it to scat thats worse that the Furries and Feet Weirdos and makes them look like saints, nope fuck that that weirdo aint right in the head and needs to be Vaporized indeed and start over \G/

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@Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy: I like your thinking I have felt the same way about Pedos chomos and those that protect them they should be Vaporised or like you said just gone no trace just erased however that maybe too quick some of them deserve to suffer same thing that they do to the children they harm and then beg to be erased, thats just me then again i get where your coming from there are so many of them out there, gotta reduce their numbers and get many of them day by day as gotta reduce down their numbers and maybe that helps get soyciety back in the right direction away from Corruption and pedophiles

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

That's the problem, you have to prove it first. I'm all for castration...of them pedos, but women ie girls lie too...

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Grims Dungeon Of Degeneracy

Yes, but federal agents with the information absolutely don't lie. You'll see in my rant about these credit card companies.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

The Feds are protecting the Globohomo pedos.

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