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Redpill asylum vol 1 - TheRedKnight

51 / 216

Guess Who Has the Highest Body Count?

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Published on 20 Jul 2022 / In People & Blogs
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AbyssWatcher 2 years ago

I'm surprised the black one only had 9....I was also shocked that the one wearing pearls had a body count of 60. These females are sick. If you are trying to enter a relationship with one and you want a virgin, your sorry asses better give that potential slut or whore a polygraph test before you do anything that could potentially get you pair bonded.

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AbyssWatcher 2 years ago

the ones with the tattooes and the black one are my guesses for the highest body count...lets see if i'm wrong...

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sauger1001 2 years ago

The fact this contest is even being embraced, much less taking place, shows how low we've sunk as a society.

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TelepathicRapist 2 years ago

this is sickening. This is a society that has totally degenerated because women have dominated it. This is how strong the gynocracy is, they can just openly share this with no regard for anyone doing anything because they hold the keys to the doors right now. Aaron Clarey recently had a really good video comparing the female sexual behavior in the west to cartel economics, I think this a pretty apt comparison. A lot of these younger women are freakish looking ghouls and they lack femininity, this video clearly shows this.

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Make a woman a fire, and she will be warm for the night.
Light the woman on fire, and she will be warm for the rest of her life.


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