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Gun "training" in school! What are they up to now?

Published on 20 Dec 2024 / In News & Politics

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 months ago  

Why are the juz pushing this in Poland now?
These youngsters are "training" with laser guns. The boys may grow to learn something. The girls, the first time they shoot a powder burner and feel what a recoil is, they'll never touch a gun again. That is if they don't burn themselves in the process.
There's something behind this, guess we need to wait to find out what are they up to this time.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

I support this. These kids might need to defend their assholes from Satanic Jew Globohomos. Just saying. Plus, I shot with my grandfather, father, and uncles when I was young too. We went to gun shows and flea markets alot too. We had shooting teams in Junior High and High Schools, though not as many raping teachers... That's both good and bad...Lol! I had a former prostitute English teacher who shared some of her experiences: Hey, girl had to pay for college. She was like old, like forest weitch hag old. We also had some in their twenties and (single) early thirties...

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Nah. We had nine through twelve years old, who could run and manage farms. I am fairly sure they were shooting too-- wolves, cougars the puma variety though I'm sure postwall cougars preyed on them too, bears, coyotes, coyote dogs, preying birds, hogs, etc... I say give them all survivor skills like what the Native American WW2 veteran who founded Boy Scouts of America intended... I hope to start a vagina free "Christian" one humoring the name ManCubs right now... I might throw in sailing and knot tying... especially for White kids, er boys. I guess we could start a separate one for girls, Cougar Cubs...cause we all know, they'll be post wall cougars too.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Besides, aren't they planning to send these kids to Ukraine? I mean US er us too...

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Yep I agree gun training is a fundamental survival skill yet they want these young useul idiots to do all the shooting because that's all they will be trained to do and not read between the lines that the fuckers that sent them there in the first place are the fucking cunts that are ones who started it and in bed with the corrupt behind the scenes like in the wizard of Oz.

How Poland has Fallen giving in to UN and NATO whoring itself out for money when they were doing so good with little to no crime whatsoever now they gonna send their youth with wide eyes and blinders on to get killed a fucking shake after all they did to find Nazis and this is what they have no become because of Feminazism good luck when the Real Based Polish Men manage to get out and return I hope they Rebuild a better more Based Poland let all the idiots Die

R.I.P POLAND I would have liked to have there instead of Colombia because of Christendom and Culture yet the mighty have fallen what a shame \G/

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Councilof1 3 months ago

Got to get them ready for WW3. I'm waiting for the draft here. Anyone who tries to draft me is going to get a surprise.

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 months ago

If, or when, it happens here, I'm not the fist batch, I'll have a year or so to GTFO. And I will. Got some knives, a couple water bottles + a camelback, hot garments...

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usr6874038614 3 months ago

And again, citizens need to risk their lives for problems that were started by others. The term "Useful idiots" comes to mind...
Throw the politicians in the frontline, to experience what they have caused.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Or bring back tar znd feathering fir these politicians... Hey, they the ones calling us "Colonizers:" Okay, Colonial Justice er punishment it is then... See wordscare dangerous.

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usr6874038614 3 months ago

Nah, nowadays we have drag queens; tar and feathers doesn't cut it anymore. The frontline it is. World peace would suddenly happen in an instant.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

@usr6874038614: You don't tjink World Peace would happen after a couple of war hawk corrupt politicians are keel hauled or tar and feathered? Hell, we just add Salem bitch burnings and hangings to it. I think they're change their tune overnight staringndown at accountability or The Grim Reaper...

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usr6874038614 3 months ago

@WMHarrison94: Keel hauling : yes . Tar and feathering : their sponsors would just pay them more for this temporary moment of inconvenience. Like a second hollywood. Anything where they risk life or limbs should be fine for now.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

@usr6874038614: @usr6874038614: Isn't Hollywood literally burning?

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