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Gynocentric Definitions 3: A Video 5 Years In the Making

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Published on 20 Feb 2020 / In People & Blogs

Gynocentric Definitions: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cQNMqeqSZNGP/
Gynocentric Definitions 2: Define Harder (2015): https://www.bitchute.com/video/qYWUfnoVX8mK/

Colttaine: Islam is Right About Women: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQzoiyZSYxM
Stardusk: Colttaine On The State Of The Manosphere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_wOBIrRPF8

The Traditionalism Cycle:
Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/67KptEo8qnU/
Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RJATqxw4grc/
Part 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/UkvJcId7wRw/
Part 4: https://www.bitchute.com/video/vyK-Gv4jdsc/
Part 5: https://www.bitchute.com/video/O7LVOtQdp40/
Part 6: https://www.bitchute.com/video/M3LlYQ-Ea08/

Background Music: Baeb Steps by Noir Et Blanc Vie. Courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

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Maverick1 4 years ago


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Maverick1 4 years ago


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yomomz 5 years ago

Aw, shit. I gotta update my vocabulary and definitions.

Is there a word to describe inborn (g)ynocentrism? 'cause I've definitely misused it in commentary. But I have a feeling it's gonna come up again at some point. So how best to describe psychological/biological gynocentrism? And I speak to normies often, so there's no way they're gonna take it as a given of the human condition.

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

I'd approximate it as men's 'protectionism' instinct. So either that phrase or men's instict of 'natural affection.' I'm sure other languages contain the whole menaing in a single word, like Spanish seems to do.

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RedPillSatori 5 years ago

I thought the video was great up until the last 1/3 of it.

I mean, wtf? How is Colttaine the idealist and you're the realist here? Since when has Colttaine advocated for a utopian vision of a structured society? Ironically enough, you're the one claiming that "we just need to take women's rights away" and that "Soft Patriarchy is the least painful"--things that are virtually impossible to bring about considering how "cucked" most men are--Colttaine doesn't even make any claims like that, so I find it funny that you're saying _he's_ being the idealistic one here.

You even acknowledge that he thinks (lower "g") gynocentrism is built-into humans of all cultures, and that there's not much we can do about it, so that doesn't sound very "pie in the sky" to me. Sounds more fatalist than idealistic to me.

At worst he might throw a positive spin on PoMo Western society, saying that he'd rather live in this Feminist "hell hole" of today, with all of our medicine, lack of scarcity, advancements, and technology, than to eek out a shitty life full of war, disease, poverty, and famine, like what most people had just a hundred years in a relatively "harder" Patriarchy. That doesn't make him an "idealist"--that makes him a glass-half-full type of person.

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Johnny_Cage 5 years ago

Very true. Hmm...

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KEEPER 5 years ago

how to get the full catologe of the TFM show on mp3 format on Android.

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