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Habeas Corpus: The Great Writ

Published on 07 Jul 2023 / In Film & Animation

http://chicagohumanities.org - See more Chicago Humanities Festival events.

The writ of habeas corpus—the great writ—has been a bedrock of the legal and political structure of democratic societies for centuries. How did this right, which protects individuals against unlawful imprisonment, come about, and why has it been fundamental to our democratic system? Under what circumstances has habeas corpus been challenged, suspended, or even revoked?

Three experts in the writ of habeas corpus tackle these questions while discussing the importance of the great writ during times of peril in the United States. Panelists Leigh Bienen, Joseph Margulies, and Larry Yackle comment on the current state of habeas corpus in this era of terrorism and the Patriot Act. They compare our present state to previous moments of xenophobia in the United States.

This lecture was generously sponsored in part by Miller Shakman & Beem.

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sbseed 2 years ago

integrity and federal courts are oxymorons... those two things do not belong in the same sentence...

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

I agree hell i have seen things in my life and ask myself for how they are ran how much of a heating bill is in a court house and all that marble.

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sbseed 2 years ago

sadly they are doing exactly that, great on paper now enforce that in RL...

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

Rhode Island? Its about paper to the court as they say make a paper trail as the old saying goes. Courts run on paper people say know your rights but you need to back them up with paper. As TP had a man last year on his live stream do a bivens lawsuit on an officer i talked to him for a short time and i swear the court system is ran by idiots and TP in his recent video when behind a desk he is surrounded by women same with courts. Never seen a male clerk in my life.

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sbseed 2 years ago

@ErickRendoza 204: no not rhodes island, real life... the problem is that the constitution/bill of rights and habeas corpus is great if it was properly used and enforced, however because there is a cliche of corruption the cops/lawyers/prosecutors/judges are protecting each other, well except a rare few lawyers... its sad but real life is completely different than what is written in the highest laws that cannot be superseded because they are the foundation of the country itself.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 2 years ago

This economy collapses take note to were these fuckers live all i can say. I listen to a man in canada and he says a lot of them are going to throw away what they did before. Happened in the depression i would say blame your life on lawyers which the bar was created 3 yrs after the civil war to make up paperwork. Its about money nothing more and rules and laws. From big city morons. Reminds me of an old tom cruise movie where he was an attorney.

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