Haitian Immigrants: The TRUTH of what s REALLY happening!
Published on 14 Sep 2024 / In
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What's really happening with the Haitian immigrants in the united states? No one is stopping to ask the question... why is 1/3 of Springfield Ohio's population now Haitian? Why under the Biden administration the last year alone have over 300K Haitians come into the united states.
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Uhm, they specifically said Haitian illegal immigrants I just say aliens...
Uhm... pussy makes good cheap meat... we know this already: The Chinese know...
This guy's cohost wife is probably getting dicked down by migrants so why is she complaining? This is what she wanted. Also these two aren't working so the ruling class imports migrants hoping they will fill jobs that matter. Jobs to feed journalists who do not work anywhere. Who's eating who's lunch here anyways? The internet hypocrisy is hilarious. All of these unemployed Western streamers who refuse to do any real work wonder why migrants are being shipped in work for them? All because of stupid ad revenue and idiots who donate money to strangers online. The migrants should open social media channels also and just beg for money like streamers do.
The irony of cuck donations - I saw a person donate money to a streamer the other day. The sub beta donater was complaining that migrants are showing up to his workplace to fill jobs. While the beta donater is giving free welfare to another man online which is hilarious enough. The real amusing part is the ignorance of it. When you donate money to strangers online they aren't going to be showing up to fill jobs to work with you. So why are you encouraging welfarism and then complaining that migrants are showing up to work in the rock mines with you? While streamers/journalists act like single moms on welfare contributing nothing real to the economy. Net consumers who don't add any production to the economy.
It's just like online thots also. If you give your money to women online for free then they don't need to sell themselves to you in person. N Ameicans are so stupid it's amazing.