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Hammerhand is live on Mon Dec 25 0:21 UTC 2023

Published on 25 Dec 2023 / In Other

This is a LIVE stream

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Have a Great Christmas and new years Brothers and Hammer thank you for a great christmas stream that I missed and will catch on the Replay thank you Hammer and brothers in the in the best chat in the world o7.

Hammer God Bless you for a great stream and ripping these Faggots apart keep on Destroying these lying Faggots you are doing God's Work.
God bless you and our Brothers and Happy new year o7

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sbseed 9 months ago

there was a feminazi here...

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BIGLOAD 9 months ago

This boy'z one Ugly Mofo & ain't gettin' a Whiff o' Pussy.

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NeoGeoGamer 9 months ago

You mean Ben Shapiro tells his female doppelganger what to say?

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Billy Von Bomb
Billy Von Bomb 9 months ago

Merry Christmas gents!

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