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Hammerhand is live on Sun Aug 4 23:24 UTC 2024

Published on 04 Aug 2024 / In Other

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Hammerhand 2 months ago  

Hammerhand on Ca$happ

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KEEPER 27 days ago

with all this HPV talk in your podcasts, i'm suddenly glad i never went that far when i fucked a chick, i always used a condom, never allowed her to give me head because i was never into that, but i will fuck her pussy and her butt, and i could never go down on a women, to me that was gross, i mean we piss out of that thing and she pisses and bleeds out of that thing, so yeah gross.

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KEEPER 27 days ago

i see it all the time in porn though, they are always sucking and licking and fucking, the fucking it the part i like the most, but i will admit some girls have a face i want to fuck.

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kaluz55 1 month ago

The Joker situation is to be expected. Most men cannot tame their biology.

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Hammerhand 2 months ago

Thank you Gents, I'll see you all again on the Thursday Sermon.

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See you guys Thursday and thanks for the waifu pics

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MigtaoRonin 2 months ago

And Gents, Hang Loose......https://y.yarn.co/ef13ecfb-4b6....a-4a14-8f62-328790f5

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