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Hands on Ursa Major's Rocket Engines! Tour, interviews and test fire!

Published on 02 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation

Today we check out Ursa Major and all the incredible different rocket engines they're working on. We talk to experts who will give us the nitty gritty details that I love, I get my hands on a rocket engine for the first time to help build one and we even get to catch an engine test from closer than I've ever been!

00:00 - Intro
01:30 - Overview of Engines
05:10 - Hadley Production
11:10 - Hadley On Test Stand
19:45 - Ripley On Test Stand

33:40 - Building Ripley
43:45 - Test Fire
49:00 - Explosion Compilation
50:15 - Outro

Videos that will help with all the details in this video -
"Why don't rocket engines melt" -
"How to power a rocket engine" -
"How to start a rocket engine" -


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All music is original! Check out my album "Maximum Aerodynamic Pressure" anywhere you listen to music (Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, etc) or click here for easy links -

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Councilof1 1 year ago

Do black powder rocket's count? Made the black powder and the rocket. I got the items from science class, science for the win.

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Nothing is good or bad, brilliant or worthless and everyone has to start somewhere. This can go into a huge labarynth really quickly - so I will keep it simple. You had an idea - did you meet your objective, " Yes [ ]" or "No [ ]" Do you want to revisit the issue to make modifications, performance increases, a parachute, alttude records etc? Do you want to branch off into more sophiticated fields, how far do you want to go and how much study do you need to do and who are the best people to work with etc... and how much commitment are you prepared to throw at this? This is the only difference between a finely made bottle rocket and a space rated cargo or human rated space rocket.... I am always astounded at the absolutely incredible amounts of smarts and hard work and planning in so many fields and ways to make these missions work - fairly consistently.... In this video - they build all this rocketry gear to launch a satellite that went and caught up with an ancient asteroid, gathered material, flew back past earth and droped the capsule containing the asteroid sample off, on the way past and shot off back into deep space to catch up with another asteroid / comet thingy.... Waaaaaaaa the missions are incredibly spophisticated, the planning, the maths, the science and the materials... Everything is incredible... Check this out... ---- and this too ---- ------ and --------

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