Hard As Fuck Old Men! They Can Still Kick Your Ass #OldManStrength #2
Published on 15 Apr 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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That old boy giving the punk fuck the small steel gas cylinder to the head is a great move.
In the same league as Fry Pan Man - Vs. Antifucks.
The soyboy gang - Kerrrunch.
Nr 1 : cityboy didn't learn yet that the price for a big mouth is a fast fist
Nr 2 : The soyboy undertaker strikes again...
I hate these assholes that try to take advantage of older people. Fkn scum
Yeah, give a kid a college degree, and they think they know it all. Hell, even I thought I was "all that" when I turned 13. My father showed me (using his Prov. 22:15 "hands of correction") that I was just another classic "retard" who didn't know sh!t. Thank God for my father.