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Have Femon's Been Duped By Feminism

Published on 09 Dec 2023 / In Film & Animation

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AwfulDIGGER 9 months ago

The Prisoner

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hqwebsite 9 months ago

Feminism and woman's movement is just a useful tool to the elites and the ruling class.

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Duugus 9 months ago

This is why I call "Womens Studies" at University, "Bitter Old Lesbian Hag Class". It's too late ladies, Too Bad, So Sad.

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mrghoster 9 months ago

Feminism has imprisoned the stupid femon and freed the MALE!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 9 months ago

Yes, it has backfired fantastically

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mrghoster 9 months ago

@SoloMan Zone: I just love a great "Fireworks" display and I think the fuse is already lit ready for some fun against the femon! lol! I think it will be more of a wimper than a BANG though, the banging part vanished ages ago! lol!

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mrghoster 9 months ago

Feminism has conned the femon in the same way Government conned MALE's way back into "National Service". What Femon's are actually doing is a foirm of "National Service2 to the corporates by going along with the brainwashing and turning their backs on MEN. vIn the meantime MEN (REAL MEN), have walked away, because what's the point if their is nothing there for you anyway. so WE'VE gone to a better place where we can look after ourselves. Meanwhile the Femon is now noticeable FAILING without MEN, that doesn't include SIMP's in the MAN category either. As a STRONG INDEPENDENT MALE, I don't need no FEMON to validate ME.! I've got the fail of the femon to look forward to watching and relishing, and when a femon comes to me looking for help then I will have the pleasure and delight in watching her face when I say - "NOPE"! lol! If a bit of CUNT treats me like a CUNT, that bit of CUNT will get treated like a CUNT!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 9 months ago

Many males feel the way you do now

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