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Have they all been taken over-

Published on 25 Apr 2023 / In Film & Animation

Hi, Well Richard Vodes got bannbed from YT for his comical video's on society. It was only for a WEEK, but he is being restricted to what he can post by the Internet feminist Fascisdt's. This is a good one from just before his ban "Invasion of the Body snatchers!" There have been remakes of the film like "Invasion" or "The Invasion with nichol Kidman and Daniel ( Premium BOND 007) Graig. which actually if you add "Cellphone" instead of alien mind bending the film becomes actually very truthful lol! BUY THE WAY - On the 23rd in the UK did anyone get a WARNING from the government on their Phone? I didn't because i turned of my phone. i left missed messages on but nothing camwe to my Inbox? I don't know many REAL people anymore but the one or two I still do know strangely didn't get a "WARNING" call either. I stood at my froint door at 3pm expecting a COCKophany of ring tones to happen, BUT their was nothing at all! LOL! did the population of the UK ALL turned off their phones? LOL! what a farse!

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From my what I heard from my UK GULAG PALS they are God fearing and did everything they normally do and didn't change any of their plans and they got nothing.

All I know is I am God fearing and God worshipping and we are in the collapse and Revelation ls is coming true, all we can do is get right with God to our last breath and do our best to survive and God willing these scumbags will not prosper and will be in the eternal hellfire Godspeed \G/

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TripeSwing 2 years ago

Nicole Kidman/Daniel Craig's version called "Invasion" is a respectable remake.

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mrghoster 2 years ago

It was respectable and is one of my favorite remakes I like to watch occasionally

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