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HELL YES! February 3, 2024 @RyosukeKiyasu snare drum solo show in Dunedin, New Zealand

Published on 28 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago  

This dude gives no fucks what anyone thinks about him and is quickly becoming my HERO!

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

no man - We Men are better than that - We don't throw poop on the wall and call it great art ! This kind of shit is what women do like show there tits and think they did some big thing. - He was just making a fool out of himself and the crowd went along - (( and there was the second drummer in the background )) He was smart enough to stay off camera. MEN SHOULD GIVE A FUCK About What they do we are the LEADERS . JMO

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: No man, people SUCK at fucking LISTENING. He was geting more pitches and tambers out of that single snare than people know are possible. All of that physical shit hes doing is a part of it. I've seen him live and can assure it just him and there is no second drummer. lol. I dare you go to his show and call him a woman.. You'll become that poor snare drum xD .

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: Look and listen again - At 1:13 He kicking the snare and the other drummer is still going at least 5 hit's (bom bom bom bom bom) - I have been playing music writing songs for over 40 years I know what I hear . But it's cool you can like it if you want ,Free Country .

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: P.s. I didn't call him a woman ! I said - ( This kind of shit is what women do like show there tits and think they did some big thing) - The operative words in that sentence ( this kind of)

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: WELL ! Did YOU LISTEN ! Did YOU Hear the steady Deeper Drummer in the background !? - So was it you or I that Wasn't Listening ! {8^L ..o 0

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: This dude plays small venues and doesnt have a need to FAKE what hes doing. lol.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: See? You're even failing at listening to ME. and Im speaking english. I told already you that ive seen this guy live and there was absolutly NO SECOND DRUMMER and the same amount of noise being created. If there were a second drummer in the room, audience members would be looking at him as well. And remember, the mic is picking up EVERYTHING from the Table to him sliding the table around. Avante Garde music is something that requires attention to details like that.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: 40 years of writing music and I have to explain this to you? Would love for you to post some of your music, however.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: And See that mic on the table? Its actually picking up what hes doing and guess where thats all going.... xD

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: Hay my friend - I would love to get 1 or 2 of my songs on here I been talking to DoggK About this very thing - As for the drummer in the video you can clearly hear someone drumming a low rhythm and it's there when he's not touching his drum - At lest that's what I see and hear ! Maybe I have went Crazy ...

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: At 1:13 - 1:16 you can hear the other drummer - Drummer #1 is walking away and drummer #2 hit's 5 bam's .

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: it may be Reverb Echo ! So my bad I guess Lol

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: NOW you're GETTING IT.... Hes Using a DELAY EFFECT.. :)

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: And yes, he used a delay effect when I saw him live and other effects as well. He was using a really nice Amp too!

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: I'm Very Old School - For me if you need machines to fix your voice and other effects to make you sound good Well that a cheat sheet like all the lives you need in a video game - To grab a box guitar and play and sing takes Practice - You can't bring all that stuff down to the beach or camping - It's just you and the Music - And that's what I think and do .

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: Yeah, DoggK is a bro and would help you get your music posted here.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: Dont worry, im very old school too. musically speaking, im stuck in the 70's. Virtually EVERY Genre of music recorded and produced in the 70's was on ANOTHER LEVEL. Rock, Soul, Jazz, Prog rock, Fusion, Prog Jazz, Punk, Ska, Gospel... all of that shit was GREAT and it makes everything being played on the radio sound like ass. And Im not a fan of autotune or anything that fakes reality. .

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: You forgot Zydeco from southwest Louisiana Afro-Americans of Creole heritage - I just love shit and most all music - And I agree even the 50s start of blues an then 60s/70's ROCK Just nothing as good since - A few here and there Grunge Nirvana super good with Flex & Pressure changes a few others .

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: Bro, Ill give you that. Zydeco is good shit. And pretty much All black music from back then kicked a whole lot of ass. Kids today are quick to mention MOTOWN, and while Motown records was good, fucking STAX records was the most genuine black music ever recorded. Im not black, but even i can hear the joy and beauty of black people in those recordings. Country was fantastic. I believe the reason why music was so great back then was because everyone stayed in their lane and was true to themselves. Charlie Pride didnt sing country music because he wanted to be the first black man to record a charting country music song.. He sang country because it was in his soul to sing it. The second you heard his voice, you KNEW he was in the right place. Today, there is just a lot of dishonest music being consumed.

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Eggy Noggy
Eggy Noggy 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: Not even going to lie.. I was shocked to shit when I found out Charlie pride was black. Even crazier... A white nationalist back in Switzerland turned me onto him. How crazy is THAT shit? lol

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@Eggy Noggy: With Music we are all Brothers !.... {8^)-...o 0 O

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