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Helldivers 2 is Sony's "screw you"

Published on 04 May 2024 / In Film & Animation

👉 https://www.forbes.com/sites/p....aultassi/2024/05/04/
👉 https://www.forbes.com/sites/p....aultassi/2024/05/03/
👉 https://old.reddit.com/r/Helld....ivers/comments/1cjb6


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Toki 9 months ago

Bait and switched again. Idiots. I'm self-modding Rome 1 with my Gold disc copy I own on my disc and hard drive. No game apps, no updates, no bullshit. I can choose to download an official patch mod not forced to. Or enjoy an unofficial mod without worrying about forced Steam updates ruining it. No remaster version either which looks worse than the organic graphics of the Golden Age of PC gaming. For example Diablo 2 classic looks better than the remaster which now looks like a cartoon with ugly females. Funny how graphics and models have regressed in charm/realism. Now it's all like comparing classic Star Wars special effects vs the newer Star Wars where everything is a greenscreen CGI video game background. Just a mess of CGI.
A game like Helldivers is pointless because someday it will be gone forever. Unless you pirate it and know how to pirate private serves and all that. Same with WoW, or Overwatch. All your time, experience, and efforts in the game will be lost forever. As well as your money. My Gold edition Total War trilogy on disc I own and bought over twenty years ago for $30-$40 or something. I also own D2 classic on disc with the superior mods of the classic version. Diablo 1 is better than the newer games. Starcraft 1 classic I like it better. No ads in the menu and tacky DLCs like gold Command Centers and shiny Nexi. Who cares? It looks childish and stupid to add gold bling to a Terran Command Center.
Also bait and switched Stellar Blade Con-sumers. RGW points these games out all the time like some Fairy Tail game that censored panty shots with day one patch live service. You can't play the game until they let you with the forced update. If you must play these newer shit games at least pirate them.
The modern game industry and digtal copies are literally the definition of communist property ownership. The sucker buys the product but doesn't own it. The communists in power still own everything you pay for.
I heard some vehicle company is trying to sneak in the concept of heated seats as an annual live service. You have to pay a sub fee or the heated seats simply will not turn on at all. Stop being a bitch and letting corpos fuck you. Pirate from them. Honestly the newer games aren't even worth pirating. There's a reason I'm playing Rome 1 on disc and not pirating Rome 2. Even though pirating Rome 2 would be very easy. It's not as good as Rome 1 classic from 20 years ago. Same with many other remasters. I call them "Remonetized" editions now with dozens of DLCs of content that was standard in the original game. In Rome 1 I unlock unofficial factions even playing as the Senate for example using a quick file edit. In newer games you pay money. Paying money for anything in life is not fun at all. I play video games for fun and to escape the depressing reality of cost of living. Not to experience the inflation of game content becoming DLC lists with over one hundred purchases for content that would have been included for the old price of PC game disc $30 for an entire game.
Then a $20 expansion packed with content. An honest $20 expansion without extra tricks and charges. Diablo 2 classic expansion for example is one hell of an add-on. Warcraft RTS expansions. Or just wait for the Gold disc which has the full game for the same price as the basic game. Meanwhile I need money for basic needs, not wasting it on digital skins in video games which have zero real world trade value. People were against the NFT scam yet they are still supporting NFTs for something like Overwatch character skins.
There's a good example by the way. I believe Overwatch 1 is now dead replaced by OW 2. OW 1 is not even that old and yet already all the money people spent on it is gone forever. Some day WoW will be gone forever unless you find pirate servers. So sad. I want a WoW game but as a single player experience completely offline. Live services are for suckers.

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Toki 9 months ago

*RGE not RGW.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

Stop supporting those AAA titles... Let them go bankrupt and start resisting digital downloads.

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WMHarrison94 9 months ago

I'm strongly considering canceling most of my credit cards... I stopped using credit cards online, with the exception of Amazon and a couple of companies like a VPN... I pay almost everything by gift cards, but some companies are not making that possible anymore without talking directly to them.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

i considered doing this same thing, because i also don't like how the drafts can happen and you can end up forgetting about it, meanwhile you end up with a situation where they steal money from you in that situation, i would rather have more control, so it makes sense to use the gift cards over using regular credit cards, however there is such a thing as a gift card that works like a credit card, i have gotten them in the past and they work just as good, you have to refill them, but it's far easier than using a credit card.

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Drums_McBashington 9 months ago

Well I guess that makes Helldiver 1 a "screw them", 'cause I've never heard of it.

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KEEPER 9 months ago

i'm not a player of this game, but i do support what people are doing to fight against it, because ultimately i view it as fighting against the NWO plans for our future, after this move i highly doubt i will ever be a costumer of of PlayStation, i'm on PC however and i can't stand giant corporation's pulling this kind of shit.

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