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Henry Cavill SHOCKING Return to Amazon Warhammer Series with FULL Creative Control

Published on 15 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Henry Cavill SHOCKING Return to Amazon Warhammer Series with FULL Creative Control!

Henry Cavill is back and not just as a lead actor but reportedly with full creative control over the highly anticipated Warhammer Amazon series! What did he have to fight Amazon on? Is the studio finally letting him create the faithful Warhammer adaptation fans have been craving, or are there still hidden struggles in the background? In today’s video, we’re diving into shocking updates about Amazon’s demands, the intense battles over creative direction, and what it all means for the future of this massive universe. Stick around to find out if Cavill’s vision is the breakthrough fans are hoping for, or if he’s still battling Amazon to protect the franchise.

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

They coild do a hybrid like Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow with starting Gweneth Paltrow brfore she started making her vaginal scented candles...

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Toki 3 months ago

No hope for American productions these days. Cavill is alright but what about all the feminist ugly female cast? Or weak beta males in the cast? Is it live action? Will they be using real special effects or will 90% of everything except the people be CGI?
How about we send Warhammer to Japan or Korea? Even China believe it not. Then animate it considering it will be all CGI live action anyways. Might as well go full animation. Even better in animation the characters especially female characters will be far better. Then Cavill can voice the main character in the DUB. I'll still want the SUB version though because I don't want to listen to Western women do VA roles. They ruin everything they get into. Asian women may be scandalous in real life outside of entertainment. But at least they make great VAs for sexy and/or cute female characters whom I would adore.

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I agree Toki I'm glad Henry Cavill is taking the Reins and at the Helm on this, However too good to be true and I am gonna be like RGE however long it takes for those idiots at Amazon to give us what we want that's how long I will take to see them and their product and then maybe on the high seas and not give them a single Cent or a single of my time energy and attention. Fuck Amazon I bet they will use Henry to get them back and then sum all the money they lost from their WOKE dumb bullshite and then when they have what they want they will stab him in the back take his balls castrate him and hang him out to dry, now hope that doesn't happen however that seems to be likely and too good to be true.

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Don't get me wrong I need me some Dominant Women so that I can Dominate them and make them Submit to me that's Hot and a Turn On for me I couldn't care for the Female Custodians if they had done them Right Badass Women with Weapons and Battle Hardened and Hot as Fuck how can I not resist that the way they went about making them though is a real shame ruined them before they could even get their moment, I know the Sisters of Battle and Sisters of Silence are also Hot as Fuck I enjoy that they are Tall Strong Dominant Women and to Dominate them is half the Fun of the Challenge and then sum, Could have been something worthwhile for those of us who are just the Male Gaze Battle PussyHound Thirsty Men haha. I will say this tho Space Marine Titus Has a Chad Jawline that would make those Badass Women all submit to Him and make em his Harem Queens ;D haha \G/

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

TRUE. BUTT, animation can be done anywhere so Japanese animators could still be involved...

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WMHarrison94 2 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Idk... I kind of like the idea of Sisters of Silence, which I hope translate to no bitches bitching... Just saying.

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