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Her Strength & Independence Leaked Into Her Shorts...

Published on 31 May 2024 / In Entertainment

Lifted from: Police Watch

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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago  

To whom will they complain when the last man has left?

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Councilof1 4 months ago

They'll sit around and have a bitchfest. Like the forest rage thing LoL.

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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago

@Councilof1: Haha yep. Devolve into chaos, blaming and hating each other, like the survivor island fiascos. Exactly what needs to happen. They'll break themselves.

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It's going to be like "Survivor Island" - where they will either die from stupidity or start killing and eating each other.....

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sauger1001 4 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: The latter sounds better.

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There are plenty of videos of all sorts of disasters, deaths and craziness.... It's the fucking women and their bullshit that are unwanted and unwatchable. There is all this MGTOW tutorials - and they ARE good, but there are so many men, who have never ever even heard of MGTOW and they whisper to each other, "Watch out for her, she is a cunt!" and things of that nature...... Men enmass have left the cunts to rot in their fucking holes...

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"To whom will they complain when the last man has left?" ===> The first woman in this - Taylor the Feinds video: https://www.mgtow.tv/v/SPNSpT - My Comment: "I was super gracious and let him keep his parenting time..." I hope her next victims, punch her in the nose - or better yet, her own children do. "Mummy - This ball is your face!" https://sportscentral.org.au/w....p-content/uploads/20

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DarkMadDog21 4 months ago

that woman look hot in bondage lol

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

Talk to her then ignore what she says,, talk over her on radio. then say can we have an adult conversation here.. to an adult.. My employer ripped me off for 250 US by giving me wrong information about the new expense report filing process.. Then act like its my fault... I lost 4 weeks of gas money.. so that really unmotivates me.. I will have 16 hours ot on this 2 week pay period thanks to their bs.. and will do that 1 more time.. just to balance the books.. in fact the distatse from them ripping me off like they did, and then suggesting it was my fault,, , will have a ripple effect in my performance maybe,, .. lol.. but after being asked to go easy on the ot.. the gloves are off.. in fact I got 8 hours paid memorial day plus 16 hours ot.. worky worky people. .

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

It's saturday and I will be headed in here soon.. I like time and a half..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

but there ya go they stepped on me and I am stepping back.. they could fire me ,, but they wont..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

If they call 911 on me for ANYTHING I will be cooperating with law enforcement.. all else falls to the wayside there..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

construction manager leaves his battery drill at a house I am working in.. comes back the next day then declares he is glad I am not a thief.. I said Im glad you are not a thief too. lol..

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

KCSB is in someones back yard looking up in the sky,, walking around.. The owner asks what are you doing in my back yard.. KCSB says I have been following this bee trying to locate the hive.. the guy says I M calling the cops if you dont get out of here..

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bigintol03 4 months ago


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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago

Seriously. It's like nobody brought one.

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bigintol03 4 months ago

@Drums_McBashington: LMAO!

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jim bennett
jim bennett 4 months ago

I have to wonder , what kind of WOMAN wants to be a cop in the first place.. I didn't hear any intelligence coming from the female cop.. Most people will get defensive and fight back.. Cops escalate as much as possible while looking for anything they can call this violation or that violation.. they are creating a crime.. cause and effect.. get a reaction they can call a crime.. Normal people are quite often taken by surprise when the cops pull their shit.. Always be aware that cops pose a danger to you.. no matter how lawful you think you are.. STAY AWAY FROM COPS! is sound advice.. look at all the bs they nitpick apart in the court rooms.. and a locale like new york may have such a mindset that a particular individual does not get the benefit of a doubt.. when they are all law breakers.. faggit psos.. liberal traitors.. profits before everything.. anyways, The woman arrested will learn to be defensive around cops.. I live in a wealthy area of pompous rich arseholes, who ALL Agreed that red light cameras to catch people running red lights was a great idea.. lol.. you get a picture of your license plate and a fine in the mail.. the county then splits the revenue with the camera company. . heheh.. we have this thing called right on red after a stop , as long as it is clear to go.. well, the red light camera police mean STOP before you go safely along.. and everyone was getting ticvkets.. except me.. because I know.. stop means stop. not slow down and try to beat the traffic coming up the road.. The old people became very irate about getting tickets.. I mean they are good people.. they make the laws.. as long as it doesnt affect them. They are gonna change the name of aunt jemima to pearl milling company ,, while they bring in 70 million spics to help undermine black opportunity in America.. lol. What a bunch of idiots Americans have become... With nothing but beners left in new york. .trump on trial .is a farce. . black people support open borders because hispanics are discriminated against,, while losing jobs to them.. plenty of work until there isnt.. Trump is not perfect.. he loves wallstreet and loves israel.. and let our stimulus be stolen from us so construction companies could hire the spics who were on the ropes during covid.. STAY HOME! GO BACK TO WORK!! man they totally screwed us on that one..

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saaralgris 4 months ago

Poor kid. Dad needs custody, but something tells me he bailed, and you can clearly see why.

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Drums_McBashington 4 months ago

These days I'm more inclined to believe it's the court pushing men out.

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