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Here's how "Defunding the Police" has DESTROYED black communities | Redacted News

Published on 27 Oct 2024 / In News & Politics

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Who are the victims of defunding and demoralizing the police? Children, most black children. Former Black Lives Mattered activist Xaviaer DuRousseau has a new short documentary out called "Their Lives Mattered" on Prager U. It is a heartbreaking piece of work full of the things we are not supposed to notice: That black people are the victims of black crime while society works so hard to speak for the rights of the criminals. He joins us today to discuss it.

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Toki 3 months ago

What are you talking about? Cops in my area avoid the black neighborhoods because fear of racism allegations. The local cops patrol around looking for middle class non-blacks to farm traffic citations.
Or the cops are arresting fathers, husbands, and boyfriends unjustly. Think the Brett Kavanaugh situation. Or Trump's accusers. Or Vic Mignonia who got accused by old fat women he wouldn't even want to sleep with. All the while the cops are simping trying to get the phone number of the woman who called the police on her current male partner or fake MeToo claim. Cops are not only useless. They are communists from the 1984 universe. The Gov is getting in the way of men upholding the law and justice on criminal blacks. It's that simple.
The cops will not hold women accountable for crimes either. The blacks? It's even more ridiculous when you consider how the law treats women.
Bonnie and Clyde rob a bank. Get caught. Clyde gets prison for 50 years. Bonnie is put in jail for 50 minutes and is allowed to keep her internetphone the entire time. However both Bonnie and Clyde are equally responsible for committing a theft crime.
Or even better let's go by Sins. I know a ton of women who have committed adultery and are never punished for their Sins. They are congratulated somehow. Clown World simpy cops in shiny black Stasi uniforms. In other contexts the cops would be considered a gang like the Venezuleans trying to tax Colorado residents for "protection fees." But if the Colorado resident requires the gang to deliver on their end of the deal the gang will not protect them. Same thing as the cops and Gov. They exist to annoy me and pull me over to write me tickets on my way to work where I pay taxes. They do not exist to protect me. The only true idea of a cop would be if you are a VIP who can buy personal guards to protect yourself and your assets.
Love seeing off-duty cops sitting on their ass getting paid for it at WalMart. More spying, less freedom, we are all guilty criminals to the cops and corporation.
I expect one day the cops will pull me over, shoot me, and steal my wallet. If they do no one will care because the cops can plant drugs and a firearm on my person staging the event. Because cops have power. Real humans in reality can't be trusted with power. It's as simple as that. A good man doesn't become a cop, he finds a real job that produces instead of takes.
Just to prove my point of how useless cops are they even have female cops now lol. The female cops will be buying coke from the coke dealers and going to their rap hip hop parties on the clock. Or they are in the precinct locker room Instagram'ing themselves on the clock. Men's tax dollars being squandered yet again. The other cops let her do whatever she wants because cops are all simps. All of them.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Well, the politicians are accountable to the rich who own or bribed them.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Correct: The DAs do nothing because WW2 NAZI George Soros bought them.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

But "we" or "you" are slaves, Phlebs if you are lucky: They own you and your children; the State owns your children.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

They're Satanic Globohomos. Those children are human flesh for their rituals and blood orgies... nothing more than cattle to them.

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