Hero saves a kids life at work while two useless women stand by and wave their hands in panic
Published on 13 Jun 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Fuck I hate useless cunts who know fuck all and do even less.
I mean they work in the commercial kitchen, of a restaurant, with patrons who choke, get sick, have heart attacks and pass out or die etc., and none of them have cardio pulmonary resuscitation skills (CPR) and none of them have any kind of an idea on how to put out fires etc....
Non of this "First Aid" shit applies ether.
So this is both the fault of the "shit for brains women" and the management that allow it, for failing to get themselves trained.
Useless cunts.
Looks about true... so, do you think there was a reason we left them at home?
One of the stupid cunts is suffocating herself with a CCP-manufactured panty mask. She "socially-distanced" herself from saving someone who is choking.
Isn't it always like this? Shows the true role nature has meant for the genders : in case of emergency, women are the alert geese that flap their wings and make a lot of ruccus, so the men get notified and take care of business. Except here the flapping was too late :)
i wonder if they would have tried harder if it was a girl that was choking .