@SoloMan Zone: What is your opinion of T2? I saw it the day it premiered in the theatre in 1992. I was blown away at the time but after seeing it maybe 3 or 4 times since I don't think it holds up at all. Just eye candy that get's far less impressive with each viewing. The original is tight and gritty and made on a small budget. Interestingly, I saw some deleted scenes from the first movie and they stretched those 4 and a half minutes into a whole sequel, that being T2. When Sarah and Reese are making pipe bombs in the original it's not for defense but to blow up Cyberdine.
Femon's in this dimension are trapped in a selfish time loop, destined to repeat their failings as punishment for the rest of Eternity! lol! Giving MEN the chance to escape their weird femon universe! clol! I'm pretty convinced now i'm either in a time or dimensional slip or a weird dream I'[m having due to something I drank last night! lol! Because in this bad dream I'm actually wide awake no asleep so it has to be a bad dream doesn't it?
Nice one soloman, aimed at the "SMALL" minority of the population! lol! I think this is snow white and the 7 Transgender's the guy in the front is their handler! I think trying to look feminine needs some work but todays femons are not a really good example of feminine are they. Mayber tyhey need to look at some 1950's or 60's photo's I guess. could be Snow SHITE and the 7 unoch's!
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I see Red Raiding Hood on the Island of Lilliput
In my woirld TV asnd radio has not been or never will be invented!
The third one in looks like Phil Linock from Thin Lizzie! lol! I don't care what they make I'm never going to see any of this crap anyway!
Femon's in this dimension are trapped in a selfish time loop, destined to repeat their failings as punishment for the rest of Eternity! lol! Giving MEN the chance to escape their weird femon universe! clol! I'm pretty convinced now i'm either in a time or dimensional slip or a weird dream I'[m having due to something I drank last night! lol! Because in this bad dream I'm actually wide awake no asleep so it has to be a bad dream doesn't it?
Nice one soloman, aimed at the "SMALL" minority of the population! lol! I think this is snow white and the 7 Transgender's the guy in the front is their handler! I think trying to look feminine needs some work but todays femons are not a really good example of feminine are they. Mayber tyhey need to look at some 1950's or 60's photo's I guess. could be Snow SHITE and the 7 unoch's!