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Hidden History: Strange Map from 1562 Reveals What We All Suspected

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Veröffentlicht auf 07 Aug 2024 / Im Wissenschaft & Technologie

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One of the things some "experts" on history and mapping have said, is they put pictures on the maps of monsters mythical and malicious, to frighten the sailors and superstitious peoples of their times, so they would not go there.

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RedKnight 8 Monate vor

u made more since than this video EVER could LOL XD

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@TheRedKnight: It does not mean that there were not some great beasties out there, mostly dramatised and fictionalised and sensationalised, but have you ever noticed that the movies are full of bullshit "magic words" - "It is said that whom-so-ever shall drink from the Chalice of Omicron will live for ever" - You mean drinking fermented grape juice from this cup will make me immortal? Fuck Off. ------------- Movies are just full of shit like that... magic spells Ooooooo ....... I am quite sure that the depictions of whales, were not of 500 foot whales that had giant house sized teeth, that would eat ships whole..... You know... And some creatures like Manitees were thought to be mermaids etc... and ALL the evidence of giant squid etc., were mostly of BIG fish eating squids and not "Let Loose The Kraken" - AND people do get eaten by lots of things, for instance that Jeremy and the river / sea monsters shows, did show us BIG cat fish that were large enough to drag people from the shore and under the water... and before people got really popular, and fished a great deal to near extinction, that there were credible accounts of VERY large people eating fish in the rivers etc.. Plust there are the Red Devil squid that grow up to a couple of meters that will hunt people in the ocean - they come up out of nowhere and just drag people down and under... So there ARE some facts.. and REAL things, but eating whole ships... I am not saying some things MIGHT actually exist, but it has to be more grounded in reality that Ancient Aliens and Ship Eating Monsters from the Deep...

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@TheRedKnight: The saying, "Here be Monsters" - Oooooooooo

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