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Highway Code Updates 2021 - BlackBeltBarrister

Published on 11 Sep 2021 / In Film & Animation

New rules are coming in to the UK';s Highway Code, wqhich will shift responsibility comppletyely onto the Mechanised Road user? so of a Pedestrian or a Cyclist dives out in front of you even when they are illegally doing so, ALL the responsibility and BLAME is now going to ber on YOU because you have an ENGINE. Snowflakes and licra boy's will be exempt from responsibility for THEIR actions and YOU will now bw to blame? This is the LEFTY Faggot life we are finding ourselves in these day's? However there is a "Pecking order". That basically say's the bigger you vehicle, the more responsible you will be for smaller vehicles below you.Lorries will have to give way to vans, van's will have to give way to car's, Car's will have to give way to motorcycles, BUT we ALL have to soon give way to pedestrians and Cyclisdt's regardless of fault? Well come to the extended NEW NORMAL!

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