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History of the Origins of Russia

Published on 06 Mar 2022 / In Entertainment

⁣History of the Origins of Russia

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

Even if only a fable (as now and then the narrator hints), it's an interesting one.

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sithsith 3 years ago

If you can prepare some seeds , wheat grinder, guns and a community. Famine the horseman is coming in a metaphorically way!

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The Man Inside
The Man Inside 3 years ago

@sithsith: I have seeds. Been collecting a small variety, no point having diversity if I'm not eating it. Raw potatoes aren't that great, unlike carrots, pees, watermelon... A knife and rope is probably a better option than powder burners. You're absolutely right, I'll know a time when people around me will starve and kill for food, not the latest iphuck or a fancy car. I can hunt, fish, grow vegetables, and find clean water. Anyone else... can fuck themselves. I warned them.

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sithsith 3 years ago

@The Man Inside: It will be back to square one, the fittest survive, the dumb and weak die !

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bigintol03 3 years ago

Quite interesting!

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sithsith 3 years ago

Prepare cans, wheat, food and guns, the ghouls starving will come !

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hqwebsite 3 years ago


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sithsith 3 years ago

Ukrainians and Belarusians are Russians!

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

@sithsith: Today's Moldova is located in former Basarabia. The old one has becomes a part of modern Romania

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sithsith 3 years ago

@hqwebsite: Odessa was part of Moldova in the past.

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hqwebsite 3 years ago

@sithsith: War never changes. It's the victor

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