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Hit the Pricks with Some Bricks.

Published on 07 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Councilof1 10 months ago

Turning money into smoke seems pointless to me. Oh well to each their own. I'm sure the neighbors aren't too thrilled.

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Councilof1 10 months ago

I was kind of hoping he'd lose control and crash. I've seen that many times.

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@Councilof1: And the car burns and he gets shot by all the neighbours as he runs away....

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It's dangerous, and the air pollution - I am not inhaling that shit.... Head Shots....

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My father was always very cautious about looking after his cars, he only did a burn out, ONCE, on a very big gravelled car park and he spun both wheels, across the gravel, and slowed right down and rolled back onto the highway like normal people do, saying, "You have to slow down and not hit the bitumen with spinning wheels, otherwise you can damage the transmission - and do things like break axles when the power coming from the motor to the spining wheel, is suddenly stopped when the wheel goes from the loose gravel to the hard bitumen...." And these things ARE are good lessons... So ONCE in a blue moon I will spin the back wheels for a little pleasure, across the loose gravel, as the ute is very light in the back end and it spins the wheels very easily on loose gravel... I mean you have to refrain from any kind of haste actually..... And my fathers tght arsedness extends to the idea that IF a GOOD set of tyres are capable of lasting 50,000 Km... then doing huge burn outs, just rubs 10,000 - 15,000 Km off in 20 seconds... that is actually piss poor value for money on other wise good tyres... Say it's $300 on two new tyres, then there is the fuel and time spent getting them... and replacing them.. Well your looking at about $150 pissed away in 20 seconds.... So fathers tightarsedness - he was a good influence... (in some ways) I have only ever done that burnout ONE at a set of lights, at 2am, and the back tyre was below legal tread depth... and had to be replaced ASAP... so I wasn't wasting good tyre... You know... I wanted to try it to see what it was like to grab the front brake and stand up and start spinning the back tyre and to steer the bike in a circle with my legs to do one full donut...

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