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Hitler attacked the USSR to gain Lebensraum and make Germany a world power

Published on 06 Jan 2024 / In Film & Animation


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usr6874038614 1 year ago

Interesting. But wasn't Stalin getting ready to roll over Europe? From what I read, Hitler beat him to it 3 weeks ahead, forcing the Russian attack force in a defense role.
The Reds already tried this in 1919, but were beaten by the Poles around Warschau. Stalin himself said at that time that the World communist wave had been halted because of it, and they gave up their plans for the time being.
The world over Communism was rejected, just by the news of the atrocities after the communist revolution. No one trusted the reds, even Churchill.
In my view, if Hiedler had not attacked Russia at that time, everyone in Europe would now be speaking Russian, under the watchful eye of Moscow.
Lebensraum was a requirement for him, because Germany was getting overpopulated at the time.
Just my 2 c. Open for other opinions.

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No idea.... There is the truth told by both sides, there are the lies told by both sides and then there are the truths and lies told by the jew owned mass media, about everything. As much as I see everything going on and a great deal of anti-zionist criminal crap coming out - I am starting to believe that Hitler was a genuinely good leader. I mean lets get the jew criminal enterprises under the microscope starting with the global extermination program for humanity by the FAKE vaccine program - the propaganda of the outright lies and the profiteering and the crimes of treason and mass murder.... and everyone they had working for them - and the lies they told.... and then carry this back through history.... I think HItler was right.

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usr6874038614 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: One thing that is always denied is the reason why Hiedler disliked the jews, while it is clear as day : the Balfour declaration showed that the zionists went behind Germany's back (while the jews were fighting with Germany and winning WW1) to the UK and promised US support if they promised to provide Palestine to the zionists. It is straight up treason and a clear stab in the back. Who wouldn't start hating a traitor like that, leading to the demise of your country?

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