HMT 388
Published on 12 May 2024 / In
Film & Animation
Badge vs Mask. Mask WINS!!
Search "Man who killed Detroit police sergeant girlfriend gets probation after self-defense claim."
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I agree and in history a female queen in persia a king killed over 70,000 men to get his wife back from another man. This was before the Ottoman Empire. I read this in high school in the 90s in civics class and thought that is insane.
"The decision to offer this plea to this defendant was not what we wanted to do, but it was the just thing to do." Awww...They had to do the JUST thing instead of hanging him high to twist in the wind. I hope his probation allows him to move to another area, because the DPD are going to have it out for him now.
Tragic, but necessary in today's gynocentrically influenced society. Also more proof as to why you DON'T hire female patrol cops. Let them ride a desk, as in times past, but NOT for patrol duties, and DEFINITELY NOT in leadership positions over men. JMO.
Might piss off some guys today, but I guess today, HMT may as well stand fooor:
HAPPY (single, stragg) MOTHER'S TERMINATION (via self defense)!