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Hojabi Offlines Herself Because Chad Dumped Her


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Published on 18 Nov 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Haha great news a hojabi curry whore deletes herself because CHAD dumped her Haha this gets better and better.

Cue the music

Queen - Another one bites the dust :D
Thank GOD please take more of those Curry bitches and nigger bitches as well Thank you GOD

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roastbeefinspector 4 months ago

another one bites the dust

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NeoGeoGamer 4 months ago

I did the whore math when I first started escortcelling. Back then, it cost $160 total to get pussy at an Asian massage parlor. I figured out that I can see a hooker every 2 weeks and keep my yearly bill under $5k. Those prices are long gone now. But the point remains, your work is valued in dollars, you have to value your needs in dollars too. People who have a problem with you putting a price tag on your relationship with them are people who are trying to scam you.

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Toki 4 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Schoolgirl fratty fags? Rowdy chav types? I have no idea what this is. Culture has been niggerized. I can't go anywhere without the obnoxious music being played somewhere. The tattoo culture, them rims which are just silly, and too many whites try to mimic this ridiculous childish behavior. I understand if they are 15 and going through a phase. But the amount of dorky wiggers is absurd in the USSA. When the females do it I'm disgusted by their beta-masculine gender bent facade.

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Toki 4 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Women can pay me because I have the mana they need. Females have nothing men need in today's world of excellent alternatives to sexual partners and all the drama that brings. There's no pure women around in my area worthy of even talking to. If they tried to pay me I would refuse because I'm not a whore like they are. It's just Good Karma it's that simple. Stay clean and stress-free by abstaining. Let these bitches lose their one and only true profession. I enjoy loyal anime woman/harem who aren't fucking up our economy with free weekly abortions. Females I can actually adore gushing over = waifus.

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NeoGeoGamer 4 months ago

@Toki: You can't find white people who aren't covered in tattoos anymore. There are as many tattoo parlors now as there are tax preparer shops. Something weird has happened and it's only getting worse.

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Toki 4 months ago

@NeoGeoGamer: I have zero tattoos. You mean white women?

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Toki 4 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Brutal about the black women lol. I agree. Only sexy in fiction. There's not a single full black woman or even a half-breed black that I find attractive. The problem I foresee is all this breeding is creating a population/cost of living crisis. That's one big reason why life is so awful now. Not enough food, land, and everything to go around when idiot humans breed like prey animals. Hobbies bro. Like I said you can spend hours molding perfect waifus in Honey Select or something else.

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Toki 4 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Rice-cel women huh? IDK man I'd say Asian women are number two. Especially when you add their personality/acting. Now the cream of the crop is mixing White and Asian to create the beautiful female form. Latinas can be sexy but again better when mixed with White. Curry-cel yes. Those women are also horrifying. What I really want is elves though. Even the dark elves are hot.

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Toki 4 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: What is a deathnic?

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Toki 4 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Are you new to this site? I haven't seen you around and I'm always messing around in comments here.

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@Toki: Haha Toki you Legend Yes indeed Waifus forever and Dark Elves that are pure white bred and not mixed aka Master Aryan Race are the best and a great Fantasy however no please GOD NO don't make anymore Curry or chink or Latina or Nigger Meatbag whores and don't mix them with White Waifus Nope just No, White and Pure all the way. USSA? haha United States of Sexual Assault? Yep that's what current day is.

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Toki 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: That works in great situations. Sexual Assault America. Mine is simply United Socialist States of America. Yours works when they inevitably MeToo Trump again or someone. Also how are dark elves pure white bred? Found this one the other day.

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Toki 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: https://blogger.googleusercont....ent.com/img/b/R29vZ2

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@Toki: Awesum Toki thanks and Dark Elves are pure white bred because I say they are, I am their master and I can make them be or do anything I want because I said so, REEEEE haha jk just a different fantasy that's all, not into "Nice" Females/waifus they get boring real quick gotta have at least 10% Fire or attitude in my Waifus/Women just look at NIKKE's new Character Grave Sexy Athletic and muscular Woman/Waifu with some dark sith or BasedPill Attitude that's what I was referring to when I said Dark Elves being pure because they see the bullshite and don't want part of it and can't stand those goody two shoes holier than thought Fucks that rub it in everyone's face, that's what I meant. \G/

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Toki 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: So Dark Elves are pure white bred "Because you say they are." :D Well that explains it I guess.

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Toki 4 months ago

@DIO DOOM NUTZ_TALICHADJESUS33: Awesome VA on that character by the way. She is from How Not To Summon A Demon Lord - Edelgard is her name. She has a fighter costume also.

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Izzy 4 months ago

The relationship dynamic would be so much better if guys on mass realized that most women are Grade A retards who should be subjugated and not taken seriously.

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Toki 4 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Agree except the blonde males part. They are popular with ladies if you watch foreign media. If you watch USSA media like Marvel then yeah your perception is skewed to dislike the look. But women who like anime love the blondish Chads. There's so many of them. That's what normal redblooded people are watching these days. There's also a ton of redheads. Maybe you're a black guy or something? It's natural if you don't like other "competition" that looks different than you. Most people in real life today are ugly because of the food and drugs. I get it. Lots of white dudes are fat and balding as a result. Many of them have arbitrary jobs and they never burn calories/build muscle/maintain masculine power body. Yes blonde looks great on women. In anime for sure. Real women that are blonde are almost always overweight/fat ass. Where I live just saying. Spoiled with Gluttony by beta males who pay their food bills. Then fatass hoes like Nick Minaj influence all types of women. Hobbit look. I want anime blonde valkyrie tall maiden who has class and a sense of shame. Found only in anime within our modern times.

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Toki 4 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: Bill Gates's daughter is blacked now? Yeah she's quite ugly and looks like a "handsome" man only a black man would smash. Plus I despise Gates and his MicroS scams. Typical useless elite who stole credit from others to live large while contributing zero work back to society. Just trolls us with supervillain plots and schemes. Well now he just got trolled as a father of a daughter. Hopefully he jumps to end it. Or disowns her that would be funny. He supports this woke shit until his own daughter is mix-breeding with the reason he hires mansion security.

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Toki 4 months ago

@BasedEscortCel100: I would make her pay me $500,000. Then refuse when she came to collect the service. Women only deserve to be completely ignored. Big tit anime or animal? Well we got big tit anime demi-human animal types so yes. Do real women have adorable ears and tails? Are they loyal? Do they have rocking bodies like Ghislaine Dedoldia?

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