Hollywood is the canary in the coal mine for the economy, and it's dying.
Published on 02 Jan 2023 / In
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BTW this Hollywood/Disney anti-men and manhating propaganda started as far back as 1964! In Mary Poppins where the mother is singing and sings "MEN ARE STUPID" so fuck you hollywood/Disney I'll love toasting marshmallows on the burning husks of your industries
Wooohoooo!!! $500 billion oh yeah!!! Let that place burn for all I care They hate men anyway let's see if these morons can lose $1 trillion in 2023!
I was watching the later pre woke Disney Movies - likeTron Legacy and and others - and they were really good movies....
But all the idiot woke shit - for real?
These Marxist cunts deserved to fail.
The image of the amplifier needed a third dial, "Intelligent" and it's set to ZERO.