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Hollywood Mansion Parties & and white parties revealed!


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Published on 13 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Jaygo 7 months ago

Immoral acts opens people up to demonic possession. and 1 of the biggest deceptions of modern times was hollywood's false and extreme portrayal of a person who is demoniclly possessed. It is Not like the exorcist, on the extreme end it can be somewhat similar, but that's extremely rare. The closest it gets to that is like some person high out of their minds rolling around in filthy acting crazy. Like you see in those videos of drug crazed people you see on certain Yt videos. That is the extreme end of possession. But the common form of possession most people would not recognize it, especially in Modern society because its extremely normalized. The Best example of common demonic possession i could give is what you see in Rap videos and other music videos. People behaving in lewd, extremely sexual bahavior, violent behavior and being proud about it. Most people have no clue how often they interact with deminically possessed people. Also, Often times, a demonically possessed people is not demonically possessed 24/7. Or at least, they're not displaying it 24/7. it comes and goes, or manifests at certain times and go back dormant. Again, It is NOT what was taught by the Modern Cult of Western Christianity, or what was taught and shown by Hollywood.

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Bagoodman 7 months ago

Gentlemen (note) Watch 5 min - The rest is the same over an over . - Just sayin

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Bagoodman 7 months ago

I'm not going to THINK -But I FEEL LIKE .. I FEEL LIKE you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin you know what i'm sayin --. I FEEL Like that's Enough -- SHIT SMH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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