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Holy SH_T! Another Boeing Whistleblower Dies Suddenly! _ Redacted with Clayton Morris

Published on 03 May 2024 / In Science & Technology

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Stop me if you've heard this before. A whistleblower is in the process of revealing stunning information about Boeing's 737 when he suddenly winds up dead. Well it just happened again. The second time in two months a whistleblower has "died suddenly."

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Mysteriously no doubt - because there is NO mystery.

They both shot themselves in the back of the head, while their hands were hand cuffed around a pole, and it was from 10 meters away....

Then the next person.... Bubonic Plague.

Then the next person.... Yeti Bites in Death Valley.

Then the next person.... Swallowed by an Anaconda - in Texas.

Then the next person.... Altitude Sickness at the beach.

Then the next person.... Radiation Sickness - after 5 minutes in the morning sun.

Then the next person....

Then the next person....

Then the next person....

Then the next person....

Then the next person....

There is NOTHING wrong at Boeing - Just ask Killary Clinton.

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NerokeFive 11 months ago

The Next guy accidentally backs into multiple knives in the back

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@NerokeFive: Yeah 50 times.

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@NerokeFive: You would have to thing that Boing is run by retarded cunts. Seriously. Instead of getting it right and admitting the wrongs and fixing it up - they are sending death ships into the air, full of people and killing everyone who speaks up about the flying fatalities..... "Jesus" - In my best lisping Mr Slave voice - "that is going to look bad".

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