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Home update, Men's retreat update, and some advice on surviving the crazy this season

Published on 26 Aug 2024 / In News & Politics

Some of you have asked for what's going on with the men's retreat. Here's a brief update, but a TLDR is that land is higher than ever, I'll need permits and insurance and a minimum of buildings to be functional.

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

The real world is not that bad yet... but if Communism. .

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

So... you wanted to live the meme of leaving your dark corner basement and touch grass! Lol! If you get a chance, watch Homestead Rescue... it might give you some ideas....

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

Some of their episodes address the fire problems...

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Nice place..... Coming from Australia, what do those forests burn like?
Anything that close to the house and also without a few huge tanks of water for fire fighting and an all round the house sprinkler system......

And some useful links....

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

I like it; though, I would add three things: a coat closet up stairs in case you host parties or some kind of coat hanger thing; the thing abot coat closests is I keep my gun cleaning stuff, sleeping bags, vacuum, ironing board, and the like in it. The walk in showers are cool, but I would add one bathtub namely because certain diseases or general fatigue feels better after a hot or warm bath and in case of heat exhaustion or stroke, cold water or ice bath. That's me though, but I have used it for those reasons. Lastly, I would add a closet or off scene storage area in your basement studio: I tend to have things get cluster er cluttered.

Overall, it looks great. I like the black tile and the bedroom desk or reading area sounds good: I had a bedroom desk but since I gave my dresser to my sister, my desk has became the dresser. Perhaps adding in those hanging drawers in your closet removes the need to a dresser. I am glad for you bro. Maybe make a little cubby hole to read or say have lunch and a conversation with guests outside if kitchen like tea corner or something. I found cubby holes awesome at the university and libraries. Anyways, at least you are doing something...

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Yolly Kee, gour spelnk is improven. (In Or)

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WMHarrison94 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I was fighting dehydration bro... and my phone's

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