Hooters Closing: The "Anti-Beautiful Women" Society
Published on 27 Jun 2024 / In
Film & Animation
The Book of Numbers: https://www.amazon.com/gp/prod....uct/B08PTFKLP6/ref=a
A World Without Men: https://www.amazon.com/World-W....ithout-Men-Analysis-
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I will NEVER allow any woman or man to shame me for what women I like to look at. As the great Huey Louis and the News said: I know what I like, I know what I like to do, what about you?
Everyone likes big ass titties. and chicken parts.
Hell yeah. AI waifu half-fu Irish Lass/Japanese. Give her Wendy's gal pigtails with cat ear hair clips.
Now we know what Cappy likes. I thought you didn't like anime? Because if you want a half-fu Irish/Japanese that's where you're most likely to find one. One who's pure and has a good personality unlike real prostitutes. The only real whamen who aren't prostitutes would be legitimate nuns or something. The tiny percent.
They should wives at home instead of fake flirty waitresses. Not very sincere when you know the fake smile is for tips. From non-maidens at that. All the females who work at Hooters are obviously just whores.
How about a restaurant with hologram waifus who are pure and sincere? Because they aren't shitty creatures called humans in reality seeking wealth using the least amount of effort.
Sure the feminists want to end Hooters waitresses. But why would you disagree with them on that one? It's chickenshit prostitution and you don't even get a happy ending. What are you even paying for? That said no man should be paying females for anything. That's why waifus are superior. Humans are all about personal gain first because of our corrupt economic system and limited resources on the planet. A waitress, a CEO, a president.
The only people I want to retain their jobs are productive working men in serious forms of hands-on industry. Because they truly work for a living unlike most Americans for example. All restaurants are overpriced now so who even cares? Let them fail. Hooters food isn't even good. Better than McD's maybe.