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Hot off the PRESS - They-ve had enough! Tories Fucked!?

Published on 05 Jul 2022 / In Film & Animation

Hiot off the press, top Boris buddies resign and get their back stabbing knives ready - "In for me" they got it "In for me" Boris cries! lol1

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GenerationLESS 3 years ago

Sounds like your system over there is just as fucked up as ours over here.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Sure is, it almost runs parallel with each other. You big advantage is "Space" to go too.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@JG123: Either Carry Spce or have the ability to make it.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Yep the Rothschild's are still around, but they keep a low profile in pubic anyway's I think they spend more time in Switzerland than here?I guess be cause Switzerland is the JEW Banking country, and Israel is their " Let's fuck the world up" enclave? I'm hoping for a time when enouygh DUMB Fuck SHEEPLE wake up and realize enouygh is enough? It won't happen in my life time I don't think? But one day things will change and that is how time ans nature always works. Put to much stress on anything and one day it breaks and something stronger (hopefully rational and logic) will claw back sanity. Rope is to good for these BASTARD's - I personally would go for French Revolution style Public Execution myself. I'm up for pulling the lever as well!

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: First - Thanks my friend for the compliment about my channel. We often say to ourselves, Why am I here, what is life about? Well I see my possition as a "Watcher2 or O"Observer", then what I see I convey. I'm not reallyt a fighter unless the needs be, I mean Physically that is. I'm monitoring (if that's the right word)? this Shri Lanka thing at the moment in the hope it does spread to the west. there is coming a point when enough is enough, but the masses or NPC's cant see it. I think if a fight is needed we should hit the Jew's and 1%er's wehere it hurts and if we swallow out brainwashing I see it as being easy-ish. We need to hit them where it hurts with NOT buying their CRAP Prtoducts being that a material item you pay money for or even buying blindly into their Agenda's.

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mrghoster 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: You really do hate those Big Nosed. rubber lipped fuckers don't you! lol! i fiond the best way to destroy an enemy is to mimic or give then a taste of their own medicine. works gine with individual fuck wits but not sure if it would work enmass? Jew's are like feminism, A CANCER that WILL eventually eat itself when it has devoured the host it picked on. If you can hold out they WILL destroy themselves. In thesae times of say leftist lunacy thjings will become so bad and ridiculous that common sense will have to kick in from somewhere and we will have that common sense. The rub is when things get rebuilt will the Common Sense to remove or leave out certain factions be their?

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