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Hot Women Hate Change - MGTOW

Published on 09 Mar 2021 / In People & Blogs

⁣Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone SAndman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Greeting Sandman, I thought of an idea of what might happen if women didn't have simps or cucks To support and defend their Tom foolery. If we indeed succeed in building and making reproductive sexbots, would women face a financial drop or a supportive drop from society with most men are being sexually satisfied? Of course there should be policies in systems in place to keep these things in check but if we could successfully build these things would women see themselves as being out of luck. Because we all know that these blue pill simps and cucks are only doing it to get laid or get some sort of sexual satisfaction. Cheers!" Well Teaven Thanks for another donation and topic. I honestly don't think we'll have to wait for a sexbot to cut women off from their simp bucks either directly or through the form of taxes. We could see the end of the nation state thanks to Bitcoin where individual financial soverignty takes resources away from women. It could also lead to the end of the consumer based economy too because why would I spend a thousand dollars worth of Bitcoin this year to buy A deflationary monetary system saves the ecology because it destroys the consumer economy. Does that mean women will like consuming less? Of course not. Shopping therapy will still be around but it will be harder for men to justify parting with their money and giving it to a thot when it's worth more next year. The simps and cucks will hold onto their resources instead of handing it out willy nilly to women that suck their willies. Sexbots would just be the cherry and sprinkles on that testicle Sunday that would take women's purchasing power away. I'll get to more in just a moment but before I do let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Of course men that were sexually satisfied using technology would cut women off from financial, emotional and attention support. But as I was saying with Crypto it's a revolution that's happening right now and has the potential to separate the state and money. As we all know the state supports women through government jobs, welfare payments, mostly female teacher jobs and many other forms for make work. Western states are already teetering on bankruptcy and what happens to whamen when they print their money into oblivion and mostly men take what value is left in that money and put it into crypto and other hard assets. Many of the women I know that rely on government checks which are mostly just male tax dollars and debt these days spend every last dollar they make each month because when you're a teacher you know that more money is on it's way. Even during Covid here in Ontario, Canada the government hired thousands of teachers for schools that are mostly closed. With Bitcoin most governments currently treat it like an asset which is taxable when it's sold. But what if I park it with a company like Gemini and get three percent on my Crypto or what if I get six percent with Blockfi? This isn't financial advice and I'm not telling you what to do. Do your own due diligence.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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Duugus 4 years ago

Just a quick note on the robot tech. As a truck driver, I'm O.K. with the job going away if we are allowed to buy the robot ourselves, have the robot do the job and we get the paycheck. Sounds like the potential to transition out of the actual labor stage of life while actually doing the work. Leasing options through a robot company could be an alternative. Either way, the work gets done, the employee gets a paycheck and a lease company still gets to lease the driver. A driver that can work 24 hrs a day as to the 11 hrs they do now. (by law ). Lease hours could be lease share. Several drivers leasing 8 to 14 hours of work while the single robot does 24 hours. Multiple drivers leasing one segment of the 24 hour period. Also, not allowed to do other work and must stay unemployed so as to not take someone else's job.

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zdoctor 4 years ago

let them all date each other.......would make for peace and quiet for a man

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I saw the character in the face and I thought, "She is a cunt".
Then I saw the claws of fingernails, and I thought, "She is a psycho cunt".
Physically she is nice but personality wise, she is unpleasant.

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Mgtow Smurf
Mgtow Smurf 4 years ago

Mystery link?

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