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Houthis Shoot and Burn American Aircraft Spying Over their Airspace

Published on 09 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation


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ArgonRaysabre 3 hours ago

Huh. I suppose TFM is right. Foreign countries are starting to fear less the (waning) might of the United States. I'm an American, but even I know that the American government is, by far, overstepping its authority.

Maybe governments should mind their own business...

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I don't know for ABSOLUTE certainty - but there are people who come across as strategic thinkers, Geoffry Nylquist being one of them, and he and others postulate that while the JEWS via the USA puppet state, threaten Iran, the SOVIETS (still functioning as ever) are formenting war like scenarios - just as the JEWS are, and technically we are all being played for fools and for profit... As both sides circle each other in death threats and posturing.... The Soviet Union = Run by Zionist / Bolshevick JEWS and the JEW-SA also run by the ZIONIST / Bolshevick JEWS... AND billions of people around the world are being turned into mince meat for fun and profit.

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ArgonRaysabre 2 hours ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Of course! It totally slipped my mind about the Bolsheviks! * sigh... * I really hate to sound like some tin foil hat-wearing lunatic, but after having read some very old Sumerian texts and reading the Bible with a more mature mind than when I was a kid, and dragged to church by my parents on Sunday mornings, I'm starting to believe that whomever the "deity" is in the Bible is not the creator of the universe. There are far too many discrepancies and contradictions...not to mention I don't like how people pick and choose parts of the book to justify their actions or fit a narrative. Logically speaking, if you can toss out parts of your very creator's mandates, that would NECESSARILY mean that his word isn't absolute. You should see the looks on Christians' faces (especially black christians) when I bring up that point. Now this isn't to say that I don't believe in a supreme creator; I do--I just don't have concrete proof--but I am thoroughly convince that it ain't the being in the Bible. I mean, just look at Gaza. I don't want to serve ANY god that condones the killing of those who can't fight back. It just seems, on a fundamental level...honorless, cowardly, and evil to me. But what do I know? I'm still course correcting in my 40's, lol. You have a damned good one, big bro.

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@ArgonRaysabre: This guy puts up some very well researched content. The Truth About the Hebrew Scriptures | Know More News w/ Adam Green feat. Gnostic Informant https://www.mgtow.tv/v/fkQ6r6 -------- Dead Sea Scrolls Reveal Christianity is Fake | Know More News w/ Adam Green https://www.mgtow.tv/v/JisUZJ ------- He has a lot of other material.... Make good use of it while you can.

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