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Redpill asylum vol 1 - RedKnight

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How Amy Schumer Became The Most Hated Human Ever

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Published on 16 Jul 2022 / In People & Blogs

There's no doubt about it, Amy Schumer has had a pretty hard run. Not only does she top almost every single list titled "worst comedians of all time" she's arguably one of the most hated humans in history. Why? This video will go over everything wrong with Amy Schumer, so we can understand how she become one of the most divisive and hated stand up comedians of all time.

Thank you guys for watching, like and sub if you enjoyed, SunnyV2 XO ❤

The idea for this video was partially inspired by "basic" who posted a video on a similar topic in May 2017 titled "everything wrong with Amy Schumer" You can watch their version here -

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Amy Schumer.... I don't hate her..... I just don't watch TV, I don't own a TV and I almost never, ever watch free to air / MSM.

Some of the beat up is justified, some of it is petty and some of it is "hit piece / cancel culture" crap.

Really if she is no good as a comedian, let the audience decide....

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