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How and Why women FEAR single independent MEN

Published on 19 Nov 2024 / In Film & Animation

Women always go on about how MEN are fearful of them when in reality this is just as always a women's "Projection", women feaqr themselves because the deice has now landed on a bad hand for them. MEN do NOT avoid women out of FEAR, WE avoid them out of SANITY. as a MAN you will njever win against the woman or the law it now has to protect it's disgusting nature. Think about it for a moment, whilst MEN's rights have been removed and limited, women have had an abundance of goodies that they have never used, they were given it all and instead of building on it for a better world, it was still not enough. Now as we see the tables ARE turning. MEN oir (REAL MEN) should I say have gone and are now in privare THRIVING, bettering themselves and creating for themselves, that is what <MEN do and have always done., Feminism far from supporting women (The TRUE WEAKER sex), iyit has opened the minds of MEN to the true repulsive nature of the fefail. Women have shall we say cut of their noses to spite their faces. Playing the eternal VICTIM no longer works. You see womens nature is to be the victim to be the WEAKER of the Ying and Yang thing. MEN are far to powerdul to fall for all the bullshit women vomit up, because women vomit up bullshit because their weak small minded childish brains cant and will not adhere to logical thinking. Logic and rationale, protection and nutrture were MALE traits not fefail traits, so the result is after decades or even centuries MAN has finally become awake and aware to thre fefail nature. Women are failing humanity and dociety, not MEN. WE tghe MEN have moved aside to watch the shit show , but as we always do behind the scenes is hold ourtselves together with logic. The irrational nature ofg women is their own Pandora's box and they opened the lid themselves, but because they cant "Fes" up to it they have left themselves with this delusional brope they are special. Yes ones women were very spsecial to milloinss of Sleeping MEN, when that is a women provided not just for childrem but their MAN, simply as well a Mealo on the table after an often dangerous days work to bring in money to give that family what they needed. But women decided that was to much for THEM, and what was once a very EASY loife for a women is now long gone! lol! Well lady's welcome to the MAN's world! lol! But in your case you don't have the common sense or Logic of a MAN to survive in that space and MEN will be fucked if they will help you repress them ever again. For me the downfall of the women and society (Gynocentric) societ or (Communism) as I call it, to see it fail is becoming a Pleasure, WTF do I as a MAN have left to lose when I find ways round things because of my MALE btain! lol! Women are thye NEW Communist's, the NEW Moron's and all because the same old SHIT they choose to apply. Hating on MEN wont bring us back, hell women don't even feature in my life anymore, I'm enjoying MY life far to mauch to spoil it with a women in tow. Anyway Gent's you have a great day however hard that day may be, there is always a silver lining even if it's just a pause for a rest. God Bless and Peace Gentlemen.

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WMHarrison94 3 months ago

Yep... The Wall... the UN and the undeafeated WALL!

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Toki 3 months ago

love the thumbnail. I prefer to close all access to view of my inner home also. Google car will drive by and film your life. Women want this movie production, not me. Just want a quiet place on the country homestead away from people.

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sauger1001 3 months ago

Makes sense to me.

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LOL - Women hit the scrap heap...

That is just the cream on the cake.

The cake however, is made from inedible shit.

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