How can she slap?!
Published on 30 Apr 2020 / In
Film & Animation
This video is of an Indian game show where male contestants are verbally abused. It is mostly scripted, but the female host went beyond the rules when she hit him. He freaked out in the heat of the moment and slapped her back. ?
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Wow! So many white knight cucks in one place, oh wait. I forgot about our congressmen & senators ¯\_㋡_/¯
This is why women can get away with all of the shit they do. White knights must defend m'lady.
A raça mais NOJENTA que existe são os cavaleiros brancos! Eles que criaram e mantém a misandria toda!
And the throng of white knights line up to kick a good man down! A man who actually had the balls to not put up for a woman's shit!
Mulheres sao eternas crianças mimadas brincando com o poder q tem, elas vão de "arrogantes", "empoderadas", "fortes", "agressoras" para "vitimas" "coitadinhas", "indefesas" em menos de 2 segundos dependendo do q convem, dai pulam 50 "cavaleiros salva putas" pra bater no cara. Pra um cara desses ser morto de graça ali n custa nada, tudo porq ele revidou uma agressão. Sobreviver na matrix é muito perigoso se vc é homem.