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How can you want this? answered at the end!!!!

Published on 25 Aug 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣We must have some empathy if we want to retain the reason why we want freedom.
game music from project zomboid

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nest006 4 years ago

I've had the two because I wasn't properly genned up, but no more. I made a mistake.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

You can still detox if you really want. Go organice, drink only distilled water has this has cleaning properties, Go to clense gurus, fasting experts. do not do keto... ever, that actually stops your body de toxify by making you acidic. Go alkaline and improve your diet. Its hard work but you can reverse it.

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JMGTOW 4 years ago

damn all that shaking looks like demonic possession. guess she took the mark of the beast.

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

She did, The mark of the beast is exactly that. Living in your lower beast nature, Your root chakra. The reptilian mind.

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AbyssWatcher 4 years ago

I have no empathy. When you refuse to use common sense, critical thinking, logic and reasoning this is what happens. This is what happens when you do not use your brain. This is what happens when you think protests are the answer....Fuck protesting....if people try to force stuff upon you, you kill that person. If people snapped and attempt to kill people trying to force the vaccines upon them do you think the government would continue pushing this?? Do you think the vaccine foot soldiers would be willing to die in order to forcefully vaccinate people?? When the USA broke away from Great Britian did you think they did that through "protesting"?? Nope...blood was spilled. That's what its going to take to stop this nonsense

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Amanley Load
Amanley Load 4 years ago

I agree but don't see it happening. how ever i retain my notion we have to refuse to become our enemies. I do feel sorry for them but that doesnt mean i want them to hurry up with it all cuz its taking too long. The ones i do NOT have sympathy for is anyofhtem that have pushed it onto others. Most of them have been reised by state and demoralized parents if they had both parents and not to mention we are post 2 world wars. Its not everyone fualt but when they start telling me how to think, that when i get my pitch fork out!

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