redpills pt 14 - RedKnight
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How disney ruined Western Women: MGTOW
Published on 17 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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This goes back a LONG LONG WAY.............
Yeah I was Born in the Year of the Quiet Sun, a flower child, a hippy summer of love shit trip....
AND TV in Australia..... Fuck...... I think we had to take turns pedalling the generator for the wireless, while others played shadow puppets using the light of a sperm whale oil lamp.....
I am not sure when we got a TV - the family thing.....
But the Mickey Mouse Club TV show was on - Not sure how old I was, not sure when we got the TV, not sure when the Mickey Mouse Club show came on the TV, not even really sure when it was broadcast, in which part of Australia etc.....
BUT - I guess I was like 5 or 6 years old.... ?????????? And I wasn't even aware of adds....
BUT these Walt Disney cunts, just like Mc Donalds, were ruthlessly pushing JUNK FOOD, way back then....
Seeing these with a lot more life experience NOW, is totally different to seeing them back then...
And the death of Disney....
Just the insidiousness and the ruthlessness and the willingness to exploit and kill people for profit - by inducing and getting them hooked on HIGH SUGAR JUNK FOOD.....
Fuck Disney and FUCK Mc Donalds and FUCK Coca Cola..... ETC.
Fuck the MEDIA and FUCK the people in the advertising industry.....
Fuck them all.