How Government Really Works - David Icke
Published on 09 Dec 2024 / In
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My bad below. It was early in the morning when I tried to recall. It was Congressman Utt, and a different book.
From “Keynes at Harvard: Economic Deception as Political Credo”. pg. 84
Washington Report issued by Congressman Bruce Aler; April 16, 1960
Congressman James B. Utt (Calif):
“We are rapidly coming to a point where a complete change of elected officials, including Congress and the White House, can mean little change in policy. You are governed more and more by people whom you have never voted, for whom you will never vote, whom you have never seen, and whom you cannot recall by your vote. They are entrenched in the boards, bureaus and commissions, even at the policy level. For example, you may think that the Secretary of Labor sets the policy of his Department, but I know much of the policy of that Department is set by Civil Service employees who have been with the Department for twenty years, and they have no intention, now or ever, of recommending to the Secretary of Labor any policy which does not fit their personal philosophy of government , and you cannot remove them or replace them by your ballot. The same situation exists in the State Department, and in fact in every bureau, board and commission. This is a form of invisible government and can lead to the most oppressive type of tyranny.”
Did you hear Trump's selection for head of the F.B.I. said that his first order of business is to "Make sure Americans wake up, and prioritize Israel."
So much for America First, I guess. SMH.
Of course ,the right to vote is a joke and most men die in bankers wars to deserve it .How many politician speeches have been repeated over time ? Even medias tell the same things ,most of them use the same words ,all these privileged buffoons are parrots and actors .
I read the same thing in a book by Dan Smoot, written in 1958, where he quoted basically the same speech from Congressman Ott.