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How Labels And Pills Have Destroyed Human Communication...

Published on 11 Aug 2024 / In People & Blogs

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Although cool and useful, memes and labels have not only been a force for good, in fact they have accelerated our inability to communicate with each other. Labels such as Red Pill to take but one example have become synonymous with a whole bunch of other things that people automatically assume are attributable to an individual who might espouse but one position associated with it but none of the others and the more terminally online we are, the more difficult it becomes to talk to each other as a consequence.

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

So astrology: It is real if you understand what it is. I'm not sure if you're Christian or not but I believe I heard you were an atheist. Anyway, listen to this and then check for yourself that which you can find and verify. To start off in case you're wondering why should I listen to you... well I died three times, briefly been a ghost, and I crossed over and met one of the Two Gods and what I believe was the matriachs of my bloodlines. Ever since a kid, I've been obsessed with knowing Atlantis is or was real. It is, but more importantly, I think it's a protocol for dealing with "us fucking White People." The reason I start this way is because I was searching for Atlantis, which by the way as a ghost crossed over I believe I was in the Ashanti Library I believe it is called a Hall of Records of all knowledge and histories. I was looking for Atlantis, and I found Exodus. Little secret, Solon's Atlantis story as told to him was the same time and "event" as Exodus, which historians call the Hyksos Expulsion because they refuse to call them Jews or Hebrew even though they lives as Syrians and Joseph has a statue of him stylized as Syrian inside a private pyramid with eleven other grave tombs: These were found in Avaris. The Exodus occurred under Pharaoh Ahmose I at Avaris.

So, if the Exodus is real despite Lame Stream media and academia saying there is no evidence, it was literally carved in stone over seven times most by the Egyptians-- the Hebrews carved two stone column markers where the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba) with only one still standing today and a payrus "The Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage" called by Christians the Ipuwer Papyrus. So, why is there no evidence? You have to listen... You would hear a professional historian, archaeologist, or Egyptologist say "There is no evidence of the Exodus" and then they add their disqualifer "at the reign of Seit II," a popular theory and strong pharaoh. This is intnetional: The Hyksos Expulsion ie Exodus is in the Middle Kingdom with the Ipuwer Papyrus but Seti II is in the New Kingdom: They do this again with Jericho. There was no Jericho destroyed by fire and invasion in the New Kingdom. No shit, it happened in the Middle Kingdom. Not to mention, Seti II listed Israel or Kingdom of David as himself conquering them. If you read the Scriptures/Torah, you would know the Israelites were adrift in the wilderness for forty years. They had to grow an army to invade well Jericho among other cirty-states not mention all let all those golden cow bowers die off. It was the End of the Age of Taurus and rising Age of Aries, or Biblical Laws. Christ was born at the start of the Age of Pisces or Biblical Salvation.

So why mention all this? Because Giants. We are having numerous sightings of giants and I believe we lost entire missions to giants in Afghanistan eating our troops. My unit and my base personnel were there when they flew the Kandahar giant to CONUS rumored to be in the Smithsonian's basement. We talking six fingered giants. For over a hundred years, the Smithsonian has been destroying giant bones all over the world: Why? To remove any evidence of the Bible. There are leaked emails confirming and stating this. The power is in the word. In order to understand the Bible, you need the context. The context is understanding the world it was created and why is was created the way it was, ie the meaning behind the words by also understanding how they thought at the times of writing... I learned this in my History of Science courses. So, astrology is real, but it is of God (El) of the Bible. Astrology is a way to tract time, to track ages, which we round up to 2,200 years but it is like 2,178 (don't quote me I need to reverify) in actuality and it involves the Zodiac. What is the zodiac? It's a band of twelve constellation that can be tracked by the human eye. I forget which one it is but the Zodiac Age you are in is either the first zodiac constellation you see at sunset or the last you see before dawn. Why does this occur? Because the earth has a wobble on its axis which creates this illusion. God El mentions it in Genesis as signs and times and Christ mentions in the New Testament as referring to Armageddon and His return as "Only the Father knows the date and time but watch the signs of the times." These are astrological references. It's been known for a long time "As Above (in the sky) and So Below (in our lives." So, some of the astrological references in the Bible's Book of Revelations (Of Apostle John) have already occurred such as Covid the Crown the White Horseman carries and as Trump acknowledged Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel "The Virgin crown with the moon at her feet gave birth (to planet Jupiter)" at that time.

So, why then do women believe so strongly in astrology? Well, we know female nature refuses to accept reality or responsibility. So, in the Book of Giants and Book of Enoch, which are not in our Christian canonized Bibles, a group of angels were tasked to watch over earth, the Watchers. Many of them got horny watching the women, though I often jokes hairy human females like chimps or Persian women, and they come down and well came in them women. As we know, women don't fuck for free,; so the Watchers (now the Fallen) gave them knowledge,, heavenly knowledge i the astrology. They then fathered the giants, which now we have no evidence except those seen recently. The giants were a scourge across the earth eating everything including men. God El had to do the Flood to protect His promise of He coming down to earth as Christ in order to protect the bloodline, Noah. Now, giants pre Flood were over twenty feet tall, but the giants post Flood barely reached seventeen. As I leaned from Bill Dever and his book Did God Have a Wife? God El had a consort or wife He was worshiped with in the Age of Taurus with its fertility rites. She was The Tree of Life Ashereh. Ever wonder why women once given liberty from their bodies and men hated men so much? They did because of the dethroning of Ashereh and Her priestesses in Ancient Israel. So, like the pussy their flesh remembering the giant Fallen Angels penetrating them deeper and deeper and their undying belief in astrology, which they can never deny due their nature, they hated men for over three eons from Ashereh's fall from grace. Some whores fought back merging their Ashereh beliefs into Canaanite or Phoencian witch goddess Ashtoath even giving her Ashereh's poles, like totem poles in Israel. Remember the Truth is out there: The Gods (El Elohim or "Kinsman" as Jacob or Israel called Him and His Wife Ashereh) are helping us... right now. Yeah, I should probably make a video...

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WMHarrison94 7 months ago

That's the Cathedral's plan... to stop communications. Without communications, there s conflict and war... Don't forget that they want to reduce the world population t 500 million as stated by their Atlanta Guidestones until they destroyed the evidence against them. It is human nature to categorize things and well people and those that don't fit (people) are non-binary.... in their heads.

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Jaygo 7 months ago

Women who are into signs and astrology are literally modern day witches.. 1 of the greatest misfortunes to society was the deliberate miseducation and hiding and rebranding of the what biblical, and ancient societies understanding of what witches are, and their qualities and behaviors. Modern society has completely normalized witchcraft so much so that everyone see witches and sorcery everyday and have no idea because most of it has been labeled as "equality", "feminism". liberation and other things. People today 100% see and feel the effects of witches and witchcraft but can't identify it as such due to it's normalization. That along is a form of high sorcery and witchcraft. Hurting people without them having a clue about you doing it to them.

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The Great Stranger will Enter the House of Uranus, she hoped.

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